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Hey! So first of all I'd like to say thanks to all my readers, I really appreciate every single read.

So I don't know if any of you have heard of the fan fiction awards? But I'm competing! I know I don't stand much of a chance against the big, well known fanfic writers but I'd like to compete anyway.
If you like my book, then I'd appreciate it if you nominated me in the fanfiction awards. There are different categories that my book falls under, not just one. Of course I don't expect you to nominate me if you don't like my book, but if you do like it then a nomination would be amazing. I'll definitely return the favour, so if you nominate me then I will nominate you in all the categories that your book falls under (unless you don't want me to.)

So once again, thank you!!! Here's the fanfiction awards book:

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