Update (important)

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So first of all I'm SO sorry I've been inactive. I'd really like if you could make requests, so if you have any requests whatsoever then please don't keep it to yourself, PM me, comment on any of the chapters in this book or leave me a request on my wall. Thanks.

So here's the important part:
I've been thinking about starting another book. Here's my ideas:

Plot ideas - I've been told I'm pretty good at coming up with plot lines, and since I've been writing a preferences book, the ideas wouldn't really work. So I want to give away my ideas, I feel that it will also attract other people to my writing, not just directioners.

More 1D books - I was thinking writing a book for each boy (Louis, Harry, Liam and Niall) and spending time on each boy individually. I could maybe even do a small book for zayn??

Joke/relate book - I don't know about you, but I love reading books like this, so why not write one? I'd post jokes, relates and all the funny stuff you'd find on Instagram or tumblr.

So, thoughts? Let me know what you think I should do (if anything) and feel free to ask questions or give me ideas on what to do. Thanksss, ily all

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