#6 An abuse story

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L/H/N/L = Louis/Harry/Niall/Liam (choose one to use in this imagine)
I apologise if Louis name is mentioned instead of L/H/N/L, I originally wrote this about Louis but then changed my mind last minute.

"Y/N!!!" L/H/N/L says enthusiastically.
"L/H/N/L!!" You reply, mimicking him.
He pulls you in for a hug, "It's so nice to see you, I missed you!" He says while still holding the hug.
You grin. "You saw me yesterday?"
"I know, doesn't mean I didn't miss you though!" He said.
"Aw L/H/N/L, I missed you too" you said.
"But I'm sure Mark kept you happy while I was gone" L/H/N/L grinned "How are you and Mark doing by the way?"
Mark is your boyfriend. You've been dating for just over a year. Your relationship started off brilliantly, mark was always so sweet and considerate, he treated you right and you felt safe with him. A few months ago your relationship started to get patchy, you started having arguments over the littlest things, he always accused you of cheating, he would shout at you and call you names like ugly, bitch, slut, whore, cow.... And you just couldn't believe it, he hurt you so much, you kept telling yourself that it was just a phase and that it will pass. One day he took a turn for the worse, he came home drunk one night and you had an argument, then he slapped you. You had a big red hand mark on your face. He had brought tears to your eyes that night and from that moment you knew that you weren't happy. The abuse started to become a frequent occurrence, eventually you got used to it. When someone asks about one of your bruises, you would tell them that you 'walked into a door' you wouldn't dare tell anyone about Mark, not even L/H/N/L, you were too afraid of what he would do to you.
"Me and Mark are great" you lied. "So how's your family?" You asked, purposely changing the subject.
"Why is it every time I bring up Mark, you change the subject?" L/H/N/L asked.
You hesitate for a moment. "Um..."
L/H/N/L interrupts, "if there's something going on then you need to tell me"
"There's nothing going on.." You insist. "We just had a small argument, that's all. It's honestly nothing to worry about."
"Ok, if you insist. Do you want to grab lunch?" L/H/N/L asks.
"Sure" you answer.

One hour later

"Thanks for paying L/H/N/L"
L/H/N/L smiles "No problem, anytime."
You look down at your watch and realise you told Mark you'd be home 20 minutes ago.
L/H/N/L lowers his eyebrows and looks at you with a confused face.
"What?" He asks.
"Nothing, it was good to see you L/H/N/L, bye, gotta go!" You say as you get up from your seat and leave. You would usually just walk home as it wasn't far but since you were late you decided to get a taxi home. When you reached your building you ran up the stairs to your apartment , you walked in to find your very angry boyfriend sitting on the couch with his arms crossed.
"Where have you been?" He asks.
"I was just with L/H/N/L" you reply, looking at the ground.
"Oh really, with L/H/N/L? When you should be with me!" He says, clearly about to snap.
"We only grabbed lunch. It was just a quick catch up. He's my best friend."
"And do you by any chance have feeling for L/H/N/L?!"
"n..n..no" you hesitate.
He stands up now, and approaches you "Are you fucking him!?" His voice raises slightly.
"n..n..no of course not" you reply, voice shaking.
"You are fucking him, aren't you?!"
"I don't believe you!" He snaps. You don't reply.
"You slut! You fucking whore. I knew it.... I knew you were sleeping with him!
"Mark.... I'm not"
"You fucking are!!! How dare you!!!"
"Mark, please calm down"
"How the fuck can I fucking calm down when my girlfriend is off having sex with another man?! Huh? How the fuck do you expect me to do that!! What does he have that I don't!?"
You had had enough of Mark's false allegations and his behaviour, you decided to stand up to yourself.
"Mark I've had enough of you! I'm your girlfriend and you treat me like crap! If you want an answer then here's one... L/H/N/L is kind, sweet, caring and considerate. He makes me feel happy. He treats me right and he is the one thing that's keeping me going right now. Me and L/H/N/L are not having an affair! We're not in a relationship! However if we were then I'd be a lot happier than I am right now! I've been scared of you for a while but I no longer am, I'm going to tell L/H/N/L about you...so how about you just go and fuck yourself!" You suddenly realise what you've done, you realise that Mark will hit you for saying that. You wish you could take it all back. But you can't.
Mark slowly comes closer to you, fists clenched, you can see the anger in his eyes. "How dare you speak to me like that! It's no wonder I treat you like crap, your a slut, and sluts deserved to be treated that way!" He punches you in the face with his solid fist, leaving you with a big black eye and a bloody nose. He suddenly shoves you, causing you to fall to the ground.
"All you are is a stupid piece of shit who doesn't deserve to live."
He starts to stomp on you, aiming for your stomach.
"Fucking. Piece. Of. Shit. Ugly. Whore. Fucking. Slut" he says as he stomps on you.
"Mark stop!" You cry.
He continues to stomp on your suddenly weak body. Eventually he stops and spits on you.
"Go clean yourself up. And if you tell anyone then I'll kill you." He says before storming out the front door.
You are in so much pain, you feel as if you are about to die, you are desperate for someone's help but you know that if you tell anyone then you'll be in for worse. Right now you didn't care, you just wanted help. You remembered that your phone was in your pocket so you grabbed it, found L/H/N/L and texted him saying "help" that is all you had the strength to do. Around 5 minutes later L/H/N/L came speeding through the front door. "Y/N" he cried "Y/N where are you!?" He found you in the living room, lying on the floor, covered in cuts and bruises. "Oh my god Y/N, what happened!" He said as he kneeled beside you on the floor, resting his hand on you for comfort.
"Mark.." You blurted out, "he did this."
"We have to get you to the hospital!" L/H/N/L says as he dials 999.
L/H/N/L waits with you, comforting you and asking you questions about the incident. When the ambulance arrives he gets in the back with you. He grabs your hand and clenches is tight. "I promise you'll get through this, I know you will. You're strong."
When you arrive at the hospital you are taken into the emergency room, L/H/N/L was told he wasn't allowed to come in so he waited outside. While he was waiting outside, a doctor approached him and started asking him questions about the incident.
"So what happened? Why are you involved in this?"
"Well..." L/H/N/L said "I was in my apartment, when I received a text from Y/N, it said 'help' so I rushed over to her apartment, assuming that's where she would be. I found her in the living room and I asked her what was wrong. 'Mark' is what she replied, Mark is her boyfriend who wasn't there when I arrived. Me and Y/N met up this afternoon, as we are close friends, and she was acting very weird when I mentioned Mark, I assumed they weren't on good terms. That's all I know" L/H/N/L explained.
"Ok, thank you" said the doctor, about to leave.
"Hey, doctor, wait up..."
"Yes what is it?"
"Please take good care of Y/N, she means a lot to me"
"I can assure you that she is in good hands" said the doctor, smiling.

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