#15 You confess your feelings while you're drunk

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Louis: You and Louis were best friends and you had strong feelings for him that you couldn't admit to. You, two and a small group of your other friends were at a club, you were very drunk. You were currently dancing with some random guy and he was getting a bit too close. He started touching you and grinding on you and since you were drunk, you didn't really mind it, although you would definitely regret it later. Louis spotted the rents going on and walked quickly over. "Y/N what are you doing?" You ignored his question. "Hey man she's with me, just go" the guy said.
"No she's with me, come on Y/N lets go" Louis said, grabbing your hand and pulling you away. "Louuuu" you whined, "he was niceee" you pouted.
"Sorry Y/N, I know that you would have regretted that later" Louis smiles cheekily. You smiled back and stared at him for a few seconds. "What?" He asked, grinning. You slowly went in and gave him a messy kiss, he immediately pulled away, "woah? Y/N what are you doing? Your drunk."
"Pfft, no I'm not" you slur, going in for another kiss. Louis stopped you. "Look, as much as I want to do this. I can't. Because you're drunk and you'll just regret this later." You pouted. "B..b..but Lou.. I love you" Louis looked at you, confused. He laughed. "No you don't. Your only saying that because you're drunk" "no I'm not Lou, I really do love you" this time Louis went in for the kiss, it was messy and sloppy but it was the best kiss you'd ever had.

Harry: You and Harry were best friends and he invited you over to his flat to hang out since you hadn't in ages. You both had a small glass of wine but you went a bit overboard and you were pretty drunk. You were running around the flat shouting "you can't catch me Harry!" And you were in a fit of giggles for no apparent reason. At one point you were hiding in Harry's cupboard and he was looking everywhere for you. You heard him come into the room so you peeked out the little gap in between the cupboard doors, giggling quietly. "Y/N! Where are you?!" You giggle a little louder.
"Y/N? I can hear you." You bite your lip in an attempt not to laugh. You see Harry turn around and slowly walk towards the cupboard doors, he has a smug look on his face. Before he can open the door, you jump out at him, giving him a fright. You both fall over and you're on top of him. Your both in a hysterical laughing fit. Eventually you both stop and the laughs turn into smiles. "I love you harry" you blurt out of nowhere. "Wait what? Seriously?" He asks, genuinely. You ignore his question and lean down to kiss him and he goes along with it and kisses you back, turns out he had feelings for you to.

Niall: You were at Louis' house with the rest of the boys and you were in the middle of a harsh game of truth or dare. The boys were taking advantage of the truth questions for you because you were so drunk and you'd answer them honestly. "So Y/N.. Truth or dare?" Liam asked. "Hmm.. Uhh.. Truth!" You reply. "Ok... Uhh, who is your crush?" Liam asks with a cocky look on his face. "Oh that one is easy.. My crush is Niall!" You answer honestly. Niall goes slightly pink in the face. "Niall?" Harry asks. "No you can't have Niall, he's mine!" Liam jokes. You were destined to prove Liam wrong, so you got up and stumbled over to Niall. You sat on his knee and wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him. "Your mine babe" you whisper, hugging him tighter. "I know" he whispers back. You lean in to give Niall a very wet, drunk kiss.

Liam: You were at a party with Liam, Louis, Harry, Niall and a group of your friends. '7 minutes in heaven' was the current game going on at the moment.
"Right Liam, it's your turn!" Your friend said. Liam leaned forward and spun the bottle, everyone watched as it spun around, you were secretly hoping it landed on you because you'd love to be making out with Liam for 7 minutes, after all, you did have a huge crush on him. The bottle was slowing down now, you watched as it went past you a few times. It was extremely slow now and was just about to stop, it was slowly sliding past you again, however it was still pointing at you. You pouted as you thought it was going to land on your friend who was sitting beside you but you were relieved when it stopped on you. Liam look up at you with wide eyes. "Well then Y/N. Come on then" he said enthusiastically as he got up and walked towards the bedroom "your stuck with me for 7 whole minutes" he chuckled. You both went in the bedroom and you shut the door behind you. All you wanted to do was make out with Liam. You pushed him against the wall and smashed your lips on his. Taking small breathes every so often. "I love you" you murmur under your breath as you continue kissing him. He pulls away and stares at you, shocked. He lowers his eyebrows for a moment as if he is thinking. After a long pause he finally says "I love you too" and smashes his lips back on to yours.

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