#11 You're his celebrity crush

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Louis: "So guys we are now down to our last question! After that, we will bring out tonight's mystery guest!" Shouted the interviewer. The crowd cheered.
"Onto the last question now... Who are all of your celebrity crushes? We'll go to Liam first."
Liam thought for a moment. "Hmm, it would probably have to be Leona Lewis. She's stunning!"
"Alright! Niall?" Niall got straight to the point with no hesitation whatsoever, "Demi Lovato! Definitely Demi Lovato."
"Haha ok, straight to the point there Niall! What about you Harry?"
"Uhh.. I'm not sure... Hmm... I'd maybe go with Cara Delevigne, or Ariana Grande"
"Great! Now last but not least, what about you Louis?"
Louis chucked silently to himself. He looked at the ground smiling, then looked back up to the interviewer. "Do I really have to say mine?" He said, still smiling.
"Come on now Louis don't be shy! Spill it!"
"Ugh ok. I like Y/N Y/L/N." He said trying to be serious.
"Like?! No Louis, your obsessed with her and you have been ever since we watched her new movie!" Liam said, exaggerating slightly.
"Oh that's right.." Said the interviewer. "She played one of the main characters in that new movie.. Uh.. What's it called... Uhh.... 'Lay me down' isn't it?"
"Yeah, and ever since Louis saw the movie, he has not stopped going on about her, especially her... Intimate scene.." Harry states, laughing.
Louis was starting to go red in the face. By this point everyone was teasing Louis and chuckling.
"Alright Louis. So what is it about Y/N that makes you like her so much?" Asked the interviewer.
"I don't know... Well to start with, she's absolutely gorgeous." The interviewer, the boys and the audience all said "oooh" at the same time, causing Louis to giggle slightly. "She's also an amazing actress, I've heard she's a great singer as well. So yeah! I just really fancy her!" Louis said enthusiastically.
"Ok guys! Let's move on now and bring on our mystery guest!"
You were tonight's mystery guest, and you had been watching the show from the TV in your dressing room backstage. You heard your que to go on stage, so you walk on, smiling, showing off your teeth. The moment you stepped on stage, everyone started laughing because of The previous conversation about you. Louis put his face in his hands, laughing, but embarrassed. You couldn't help but start laughing too. You went up to Louis and put both your arms around him for a hug, you were both still laughing. "Aw don't be embarrassed babe, I like you too!" You smiled, keeping your arms around him. The audience were saying a mix of different things, some were still laughing and there were a few "aww's."
"Come on! Give each other a real hug!" Shouted Harry. So Louis stood up and you both held a long hug with each other. Everyone saw it as a sweet, innocent hug, no one realised what you were whispering in each others ears. "You really are very attractive in that movie" Louis whispered. "Thanks hun, we should get together sometime, I'll give you my number later backstage." You whispered back.

Niall: You were really excited to watch one directions live interview on TV, mainly to see Niall. So you stuck it on and watched.
"So, is anyone here single?" Asked Amy, the interviewer.
Everyone apart from Liam raised their hands. "Niall won't be single for much longer" Louis jokingly said. "Oh really Niall?" Asked Amy. Niall didn't answer, he just blushed a little.
"Yes really! He has a huge thing for Y/N Y/L/N!" Louis says.
"Wow! Well Niall, if you'd like, we can give her a ring? We have her number."
Before Niall could even open his mouth, Louis answered for him. "He'd love to!"
"Alright, let's put this on speakerphone!" Said Amy, dialling your number.
You let your phone ring for a few seconds so you didn't seem too weird. You took a deep breathe before answering. "Hello?" You say. Your still looking at the TV and notice Niall is red in the face.
"Hi Y/N! This is Amy from MTV and I'm currently here with One direction, your on speakerphone, say hi!"
"So Y/N, would it be ok if I asked you a question?"
"Yeah sure, go for it"
"Out of all the boys, who do you fancy the most?"
"Hmm... Well I love them all, they're all gorgeous. But I think if I had to choose, I'd go for Niall."
"Oh really? Well I'm gonna pass you over to him now!"
"Hi Y/N"
"Hey babee"
"So um... You fancy me?"
You laugh. "Yeah I do. And you fancy me back."
"What.. How do you know?"
You laugh again 'Because I can see you right now"
"What?? Hah ok then what am I wearing?"
"White tshirt? black skinny jeans? Black boots? Sound familiar?" (Long pause)
"Niall I'm watching you guys on TV, I heard everything" you laugh.
Harry interrupts. "Um hey Y/N... Niall would like to know what your wearing, you'll need to tell him since he can't see you." He says with a cheeky smile.
"Would you like it if I said nothing?" The boys all chuckle.
"Yeah we would actually" Niall replies, jokingly.
"Well sorry to disappoint but I'm wearing jeans and a tshirt! Hey Niall, I want to speak to you privately, can you put me off speaker?" Niall puts you off speakerphone and puts his phone to his ear. "Ok, your off speaker now"
"How about you get Amy to give you my number and we'll go out sometime, maybe you'll get to see what I wear next time rather than just imagine."

Harry: "We're gonna play a quick game." Said Ellen. "Basically, your going to see a picture of a female celebrity and I'm going to say her name. Infront of you, you have 4 signs each. For every female celebrity you are going to hold up the sign with the name of the boy who is most likely to date her. Ok let's start."
You were watching one directions interview with Ellen Degeneres on TV and you were pretty excited to see this one. You watched as the first person came up.
"Katy Perry!" You watched the boys choose a sign to hold up. 3 of the boys voted Niall, one voted Liam. Next one "Cheryl Cole!" 2 of the boys voted Liam, 1 voted Harry and 1 voted Louis.
You watched as more celebrities popped up on the screen.
"Selena Gomez!" "Miles Cyrus!" "Rihanna!" "Adele!" "Rita Ora!"
You were surprised when your name came up. "Y/N Y/L/N!"
"Oh she is quite fit, I can see now why you like her so much Harry." Niall said.
What!? Harry Styles likes you? You payed closer attention to the TV now, and right enough everyone had voted Harry, even himself!
Later that night you tweeted "@HarryStyles thanks hun! I'd be more than happy to have a date with you ;)"

Liam: Liam was doing a twitcam for the first time in.. Forever and you were watching, since you were a huge fan. Liam was answering questions from his fans and one asked 'who's your celebrity crush?'
"Who's my celebrity crush? Hmm, it's gotta be Y/N  Y/L/N."
"Why?" He repeated, "I dunno, she's just gorgeous and she has a really nice personality. And plus, I loved her sex scene in 'Can't be tamed.'"
'Do you wish it was you in that scene'
Liam laughed, "I dunno... I guess, yeah"
You decided to ask him a question now.
'@Y/T/N: @RealLiamPayne Would you like my number?'
Liam saw your question and he started at his screen with a confused look, he was trying to process what just happened.
"What?" He said quietly to himself.
"Omg" "Omg" "Omg guys, Y/N is watching" "yes Y/N I would like your number" he laughed.

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