#12 You meet him at a book signing

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Louis: You and your friend were going to see one direction at their book signing, you were really excited, but your were also shaking because of how nervous you were. You waited in the queue for about 15 mins. You were very near the front, you could briefly see all four boys and that's when you felt tears in your eyes, you were about to meet the boys who had kept you going all these years. You were right at the front now, face to face with Harry styles! Harry smiled at you. You were in shock and didn't know what to say. "I love you Harry!" Is all you could blurt out. "I love you too!" He replied, before you moved on to Niall. "Hi Niall! I love you!" Then you moved on to Liam, "Liam I love you!" Then finally it was Louis. You loved all the boys but Louis was always your favourite, you loved his smile, his laugh, his looks, his humour and just everything in general about Louis, and now you were about to meet him. He looked up at you and smiled. "Hi babe!" All the tears you had been holding in decided to come out now. "You alright love?" He asked. "I just love you so much" you cried. "Aw I love you more! Come here!" He said, standing up and leaning over for a hug. You hugged him back, with a huge smile across your face.

Harry: "Hey Liam!" You shouted. Giving him a high five. Then you went to Louis, then Niall and then you took a deep breath. You were about to come face to face with Harry, he was your favourite, you loved him so much, words couldn't explain it. Your love for Harry started when you went to see them in concert, at this point you loved them all equally but after hearing Harry singing live, you started to love him more and more. You looked over to Harry to find him already looking at you,p. He laughed slightly, "you ok love?" At first you were confused but then you realised, you were literally standing there, frozen for about 10 seconds. You laughed back, "yeah I'm good, you?"
"I'm great, thanks" he replied, smiling. "Hey thanks for coming!" He blurted out. "It's no problem! Harry can I please have a hug?" You asked. "Of course, I wondered when you were going to ask!" He leaned over for a hug. "Bye babe!" He said, waving. "I love you Harry!" You shouted as you walked away. "I love you more!"

Niall: "I can't believe we're going to see one direction!" Your friend said as you waited in the queue for the book signing. "I know!" You reply ".. I'll get to meet Niall!" You could briefly see past all the screaming fan girls, but you saw the boys, Louis was first, then Harry, Then Liam, and then Niall. 'Best till last' you thought. You said a quick hello and I love you to Harry, Liam and Louis. You even got a high five from Lou. But when you got to Niall, you burst into tears. "Aw don't cry babe!" He said. "But I love you Niall!" You protested. "I love you too babe, but I'm not crying, am I?" He laughed. You smiled. "Can I have a hug?" You asked politely. He didn't even answer, he just smiled and reached out to hug you. Let's just say that, that was the best day of your life.

Liam: "Hi Liam!!!" You yelled confidently. "Hi babe!!!" He yelled back, mimicking you. You were at a book signing and Liam was first, he was your favourite. You had never understood how people were so nervous about meeting one direction, because you were really confident. I guess it was just because of how nice and approachable the boys were. You used to be the girl that cried tears of joy when you saw anything to do with the boys, but that just disappeared, and now, you've never felt so confident. "How are you Liam!?" "I'm great thanks, you?!" "Amazing! Can I have a hug?" Liam leaned over and gave you a quick hug. "I would have loved to hug you for longer, but have you seen the queue?" He laughed. You just smiled "ok, well bye Liam, I love you!" "I love you more, thanks for coming!"

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