chapter 4 protective brother

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^Thats mayu^
Please excuse any errors
Mayu's point of view.

It been a day sense syo kissed me I don't know why he did it but I didn't mind him kissing me in fact I..... liked it ...ugh ....I don't know what's wrong with me.
Anyway today we are all going to the fair. I can't wait to get there because me and oni-chan have never been to one I CANT WAIT!!!!.

"Mayu you are really excited", oni-chan said with a warm smile.

"Of course I'm excited because I never been to a fair before", I said smiling back.

Really Lil lady you never been to a fair before?", ren asked.

"Yeah we never had the time and money for fairs", I said with a sad expression.

"Well then let's make this a memory you will never forget", nanami said smiling like a goof ball.

"YEAH " we all screamed.

We went on most of the rides, played most of the games, and had a lot of food.
Then nanami and oni-chan suggested we go on the ferris wheel.
We all agreed. My brother went with cecil, tokiya with ittoki, ren with masato, nanami with natsuki, and me with syo.
Dun dun dun!
It was silent for awhile till I broke the silence.

"Syo why..... why did you kiss me?", i said blushing.

"Oh......I wanted you to have some of the cake cause I noticed there was no slice for you", he said blushing a little.

Hearing that pissed me off.

*stands up*
,THAT'S VERY MISLEADING FOR A GIRL ,SYO ARE THAT STUPID!!", I said with a pissed off face.

"M-mayu I-I'm sorry", he said while trying to reach for my hand.

Syo now has a red hand print on his face.

"M-mayu", syo said with hurt in his voice.

The ferris wheel stopped, before the guy could open the door I ran out crying. I ran pass yuuma and the others. I slowed down like a block away, i was heading back to the beach house to cry alone, but I heard foot steps behind me so i turned around to see my brother trying to catch up to me so i stopped and waited for him.

"Mayu are you ok what happened", he said with a worried look.

"I dont (hic) want to talk about it", I said still crying.

"Its Ok mayu you can tell me, what's wrong?", he said with a soft voice.

i gave up, So I told him what happened when I made the cake and what happened on the ferris wheel.
When my brother heard my story he didn't seem the same he turned around and walked back to the ferris wheel. I chased after him because I was worried and concerned about what he was going to do.
He was pushing people out of the way until he got to syo.
He grabbed syo by the collar and lifted him into the air.
Nanami and everyone else were to scared to do any thing.

"Yuuma please don't hurt him", I said.

"fine but let this be a warning to you if you ever hurt my sister again your going to regret it", he said in a threatening voice.

He then dropped syo and walked away still mad. I looked at syo than the others , then I turned around and ran after my brother with more tears in my eyes.

*time skip*
Next day

Today we are heading back to saotome academy.
I sat next to my brother on the train, we both were silent and so was everyone else until we got back to saotome academy.
After me and brother said good bye to each other I walked back to my dorm and threw my stuff on the floor and collapsed on the bed and cried.

*time skip*
Next day

I walked in the class room to see syo and ren talking I was happy he wasn't affected by my brother but I don't care anymore ,I'm going back to the way I was before, emotionless.
I walked passed syo with out even glancing at him I just sat at my desk in silence the entire class period.

*Dung ding*the bell*

I walked out of the the classroom without even saying a word to anyone. I was half way back to my dorm when I heard someone call name I turned around to see natsuki.
I turned back around and ignored him, but then I felt natsuki grab my wrist so i turned around and slapped him. I slapped him hard enough that his glasses fell off but I regret doing that because what I saw was not natsuki anymore his grip around my wrist tightened then the next thing I new was he slapped me and pushed me to the wall.

"This is a warning if you ever hurt natsuki again you will regret it",He said while his grip around my wrist titened even more.

I couldn't say anything this side of
natsuki really scares me.

"Im....s-sorry", I said in a shaky voice.

He let go of me picked up his glasses and walked away. I looked at my wrist and I new there was going to be bruises.

Syos point of view.

I was in my dorm room when natsuki came in or at least I thought it was natsuki but it was satsuki is other half. He had a red hand print on his face.

"Satsuki what happened", I asked in a shaky voice.

"The girl mayu slapped natsuki so i made sure she wouldn't do it again ", he said like it was no big deal.
Then he put his glasses back on and he was back to natsuki.
I was shocked when he told me this so I ran past him to find mayu.

*Mayu's point of view*

I was in the garden when I heard a familiar voice calling my name I turned around to see syo running towards me.
I was to shocked from earlier that I couldn't run.

"Mayu (huff) are you (huff) ok?", he said between breaths.

"Why wouldn't I be?", i said calmly.

"Because I heard natsuki's glasses fell off and became satsuki his other half", he said with concern.

"His other half... like a split personality",I said.

"Satsuki is his other half that protects natsuki's feelings, any way let me see what he did to you", he said in a serious but soothing tone.

I showed him my wrist, it was already badly bruised. He touched it and I flinched and he noticed me and stopped touching it. I showed him where satsuki slapped me I didn't really look in the mirror so i don't know what it looks like but when he got closer to my face to examine it i started to blush.

"Your wrist is going to be bruised for a couple of days and your cheek is going to be swollen for a couple of days too.
It was silent for awhile before I said something.

"I'm sorry about my brother", I said with sadness in my voice.

"It's OK i can understand why your brother was mad, if I had a little sister and someone did what i did i would've acted just like him", he said with his head down and regret In his voice.

I started to cry.

"No you wouldn't your to kind to do something like that", I said with a smile and a hint of a blush.

He lifted his head when he heard me say that and smiled ,he wiped my tears away.

Read the next chapter for more.

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