chapter 9 the accident

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^That's mayu^
Please excuse any errors
Syo's point of view

Me and mayu were walking back from her photo shoot.
We were walking on the side walk acrossing the road when out of nowhere a speeding car came,it tried to stop but it was to late it hit mayu.

" someone call an ambulance", i screamed kneeling next to mayu.

"I'm on it" a woman wearing a business suit said.

A couple of minutes later an ambulance came and put mayu on  gurney and carried her in the veichile.
I got in with her and called the others to tell them what happened.

*time skip a couple of minutes*

I was sitting in the waiting when all of a sudden nanami and the others came running at me.

"Is she ok will she live?", nanami said with tears in her eyes.

"Is don't know the doctor hasn't told me anything yet she's in surgery right now", i said.

"I can't believe this, this has to be a nightmare", natsuki said crying.

At this point everyone was crying.
It's been an hour sense mayu got into surgery.
By now eveyone was worried until the doctor came.

"is Mayu ok", i said in a very worried tone.

"She should be she got out of surgery and hasn't woken up yet.
So she going to have to be here for a couple of days ,so you guys can go in but visiting hours are almost over so be quick", the doctor said then left.

"Come on guys lets go in", i said

We walked in the room and when i saw mayu i wanted to cry.
There was a clipboard that said all of the injuries she had.
She had a couple af broken ribs ,a broken leg ,a couple of stitches ,and bad bruises.

"I..... I don't know what to say I just want to cry", nanami said with more tears in her eyes.

"I dont think any of us has anything to say that's how terrible this situation is", cecil said.

"Well we should go it's almost night and the visiting hours are almost up", i said all depressed.

"Ok" they all said and we left.

*time skip*

It's been a week sense the accident and mayu still hasn't woken up.
Today we all planned to head to the hospital to visit mayu even though she hasn't woken up.

"You ready to go syo", tokiya asked.

"Yeah let's go", i said.

The car ride to the hospital was silent.
We entered the hospital and walked up to the nurse at the counter.

"May I help you",she said.

"We are here to see mayu lee", nanami said.

"Oh I'm sorry she passed away", the nurse said.

"WHAT", we all said.

"Oh you said mayu Lee sorry she's in room 208 on the 1st floor", she said.

"(Releived) thank you", I said.

We are now in front of her room.
We walked in the room and mayu was in the Same state she was in last time.
I sat down in a chair next to mayu  while everyone else  sat somewhere else in the room. I brushed some hair out of her face and whispered to her "I hope you wake up soon mayu everyone is waiting for you ,they want to see your beautiful smile again and hear your voice we want to hear you laugh we want you to be happy and have fun with you so please wake soon mayu".

*time skip an hour*

We were about to leave when all of a sudden we heard something so we all turned around and saw mayu was sitting up in the bed with her eyes open.

"Mayu", nanami said with tears in her eyes.

Mayu's point of view

When I woke up I was in the hospital.
I looked over to syo and the others in the door with tears in there eyes and the next thing I knew was nanami was hugging me and saying "thank goodness your a wake".

"What's going on?", i asked.

Nanami let goed of me and told me everything that happened.

"That really happened?",i asked not believing the story.

"Yeah it did, i was there", syo said with a sad expression.

"Wow....", I was speechless.

"Ittoki go get the doctor and tell him Mayu's awake", tokiya said.

"Ok", ittoki said running out of the room.

Minutes later ittoki came back with a doctor.

"Hello miss Lee I'm doctor haru",he said.

"Hello", i said.

"Sense your awake you can leave the hospital after these papers are filled out", he said handing me a clip board with a sheets of paper.

"Thank you", I said.

Then he left.

"I'll i fill the papers out for you", nanami said and took the clip board.

"Here I also got some crutches for you", Ittoki said handing me a pair of crutches.

"Thank you", I said.

I got up and tried walking with the crutches but almost fell to the ground but then i felt a pair of arms wrap around me.

"Be careful mayu"

I looked up to see it was ,syo so i was blushing.

"Thank you", I said while getting the crutches again.

" I'm done filling out the paper I'm going to run it to the counter", nanami said leaving the room.

"Ok", cecil said.

"How long was i out?", i asked.

"About a week", syo said.

"Really that long....... wow", i said.

Minutes later nanami came back and said we could leave.

*time skip*
Back to the dorms

We got back to the dorms and we're greeted by quartet knight.

"Ehhhhh mayu your back", reiji said hugging me.

"Yeah yeah nice to see you too", I said.

"How long do you have the cast on", camus asked.

"At least 6 weeks", i said after reiji let goed of me.

"We hope you heal soon", Ai said along with kurisoki.

"Thank you", I said smiling.

For the rest of the day I sat down with everyone and talked about what happened in the week I was in a coma in.

Read the next chapter for more.
Please don't hate it's my first story.

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