chapter 10 bad news

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I'm sorry guys chapter 9 nine wasnt publishing I'm was getting mad because of it.
Please excuse any errors
Mayu's point of view

It's been a couple of days sense I came back and I been resting in my dorm room, but sometimes I would get the crutches and go at to the garden and look at the flowers. Everyday one of my friends would come over to keep company. It really makes me happy that they care about that much.

*Knock knock*

"Come in",I said.

I wander who's staying with me today

"Hey " syo said walking in.

Of course it had to be syo of all people.

"How's it going", he asked.

"Nothing really just bored", i said sitting up.

"Haha I bet it would be, being in a room all day", he said sitting down on my bed.

"How is everyone", i asked.

"There doing fine there really happy your back and so am I", he said smiling.

"Hahahaha I'm glad I'm ba-
I was cut off by something on my lips.
Then I realized what was happening
Syo was......... kissing me.

(Pulls apart)

"Sy......o", i said stunned by his action.

"I'm sorry I couldn't hold myself hold back", he said blushing.

"What do you mean", i said blushing.

"I know love is forbidden in the music world but I love you mayu i loved you ever sense you wrote me the song for the exam", he said looking me straight in the eyes.

"I - i don't know what to say, but we can't be togeather because of that rule", I said blushing bright red.

"I know but maybe we could be togeather secrectly", syo said.

Again I was stunned
My face (●0●)

I was cut off.

"Do you want to try it?", he asked me.

"Yeah", I asked him.

After that we talked to each other for awhile then said good bye and he left.

Oh my Butler........ what just happened?

*time skip 6 weeks*

Today we're heading to the hospital to get my cast off.

"I can't wait to get the cast off because I can get back to performing", i said all excitedly.

"Calm down mayu",nanami said with a smile.

"Sorry I'm just really excited", i said smiling back.

We finally made it to the hospital and are now heading to the room to get my cast off.

"Ready mayu?", dr.haru asked.

"Yeah", i said.

*time skip*

The cast is finally off and I can now walk on my own.

"Yay!!!", i said getting out of the room.

"Look at you mayu you can perform now", syo said with a smile.

"I know I can't wait", i said hugging him.

"Come on let's go outside everyone's waiting to go home", he said.

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