On Stage/ Off Stage

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I slid my hand around Gerard's waist, and down to his crotch. I squeezed slightly and he gasped into the mic, turning around and scooting away from me before I caused him to do something embarrassing. He wasn't getting off that easily though, I followed him and grabbed him by the hips.

He twisted out of my grasp, sending me a smirk over his shoulder before walking over to Ray, screaming the lyrics to Dead! Into the mic.

I walked back over to my normal place on the stage and played, waiting for Gerard to walk back over.

I dropped down to my knees and leaned backwards, playing a riff then leaning back forwards. I felt a hand on my head, and realized that it was Gerard. He threaded his fingers through my hair and softly scratched at my head, pulling softly. I moaned, fuck, Gerard knew how much that turned me on. He tugged harder, and stepped closer to me.

We had started another song, and he was singing as I scooted closer to him on my knees and rubbed my head against his thigh, then his crotch. I turned my face sideways and licked the zipper on his jeans, and he jerked the mic away from his face so that no one could hear the sound he made.

The crowd was screaming, as they always did when I acted like this. I sent a smirk out to the crowd and stood back up. I pushed forwards and smashed my mouth onto Gerard's, kissing him hard since this was the part of the song when he didn't have to sing.

His face was sweaty and his lips were a little slimy, but it didn't matter. He kissed me back just as hard, sliding his tongue into my mouth before pulling away, and shoving me back to my knees. He walked away, starting to sing again.

I played along, nodding my head to the beat and standing back up. I jumped around just like I always did, and I was about to turn around and face the crowd again when I felt a pop.

I looked down at my strings, and sure enough, one was broken. It was the very bottom one though, I could play without it and still sound alright. I wrapped the thin wire around my hand and tugged, it cut my hand a little, but broke off the rest of the way. I tossed it to the floor and continued playing.

Just as Gerard was making his way back over, and I was planning how to mess with him next, I felt another pop. I looked down again, and another fucking string had popped.

I stopped playing and strummed a simple G chord, but it sounded like crap. It sounded out of tune. I tried for a minute to tune the guitar differently to make it sound right, but every time I started to play, it sounded awful and it threw everyone off.

I finally walked over to the edge of the stage and plopped down on the side. I sat my guitar in my lap and attempted to fix it, trying to tune it or strum it different ways, but nothing worked. I let go of the instrument and pulled my knees up, crossing my arms over them and lying my head down on my arms.

I had never been so embarrassed. I knew the show was over soon, but it sounded different without me playing, and I had to sit here in front of everyone until it ended. And it was all my fault.

I heard Gerard behind me, but he didn't get a break from singing long enough to come talk to me.

Finally I heard Gerard singing the last song of the night. I looked up as he sang the last words, and it was only then that I realized that there were tears of frustration running down my cheeks. I quickly buried my head in my arms again, so no one would see.

Gerard said his goodbyes to the crowd, and when it was finally over, I stood up and rushed backstage, setting down my guitar as I went.

"Frankie?" Gerard called. I stopped, but I didn't turn around to face him. I didn't want him to see my crying again. The only time I had ever cried in front of him was when he was so high and so drunk that he didn't know who I was.

"Frankie, what happened out there?" Gerard asked, walking over to me. I used the hem of my shirt to quickly clean my face off, forcing a smile and turning around.

"Two of my strings broke and I couldn't play. It's fine though, I'm fine." I explained, and Gerard came closer to me.

"Aw, Frankie.." He said, and pulled me into a hug. I wrapped my arms around him as well, because I was not about to pass up on an opportunity to hug Gerard. One of his hands stayed on my back, and the other moved up to stroke my hair.

Just then, Mikey came around the corner, and said, "Woah! Woah, keep it PG please, what's going on?"

Gerard blushed and pulled away, and said, "Shut the fuck up Mikey, I was just hugging him."

I smiled at Mikey and brought my fist up to my mouth, pumping it as if I was jerking someone off into my mouth, then pointed to Gerard.

Mikey widened his eyes at me and hurried away from us, leaving me and Gerard alone again.

"Sorry if I fucked up the show." I said, my smile fading. I looked down at the floor, and sighed.

"Frankie, you didn't fuck up the show. You couldn't help that your strings broke. It's not your fault." Gerard soothed, pulling me close again and hugging me

I smiled and rested my face in the crook of Gerard's neck. "Thanks, Gee." I said. He nodded, and I pulled back. He stopped me before I pulled all the way away though, keeping his arms wrapped around my neck. Before I had a chance to ask him what he was doing, he pressed his lips to mine, kissing my gently.

I kissed him back, a little surprised, but welcoming it all the same. We had never kissed offstage before, unless we were playing truth or dare or something.

We moved our lips together for a few seconds before Gerard pulled away to breathe, and smiled at me. I kissed him one more time, quickly, before pulling away and walking back towards Ray, Bob and Mikey. He followed me, coming up behind me and grabbing my hand as we walked.

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