Bandit Way

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Bandit smiled at her best friend, Katelyn, when she saw the other girl walking from around the side of the school building. She waited here every morning for her friend, and they walked to class together. They were in seventh grade, and had been friends since second.

Katelyn didn't smile back at Bandit, though. She didn't even look at her. She kept walking when Bandit said hello, and left Bandit to follow behind her as she walked towards their class.

"Katelyn? Why aren't you talking to me?" Bandit asked, and Katelyn turned around, anger present in her eyes. "My dad said I'm not allowed to talk to you, because your dad is a faggot."

Bandit pressed her eyebrows together, confused. "What does that mean?" She asked, although she could tell it meant something bad, and was mad that her friend thought bad of her father.

"It means he's gay. It means he's fucking another man." Katelyn said. Bandit gasped. First of all, she'd never heard Katelyn use that type of language, and second of all, why was it Katelyn's business that her dad had a boyfriend?

"Well, yeah, I mean... he's gay. Why can't you talk to me?" Bandit asked, still confused. Katelyn was acting like being gay was a bad thing.

"It's not right. It goes against the bible." Katelyn said.

"Oh..." Bandit said. "Well, I think that cutting your hair does too, doesn't it?"

"Well, technically, yeah, but that doesn't count." Katelyn answered, rolling her eyes.

"Well, who decided what counts and what doesn't count?" Bandit asked, confused.

Katelyn rolled her eyes again, and shrugged. "It doesn't matter. All that matters is that your dad is gross."

"I don't think my dad is gross." Bandit said. "I think he and Frank are a great couple."

Katelyn laughed, and said, "There's no such thing as gay people being a 'good couple'."

Bandit rolled her eyes that time, but just shrugged and walked away before Katelyn had a chance to add more stupidity to the argument.


Frank picked Bandit up from school, and drove her home. During the drive, Bandit didn't say anything, sparking interest in Frank.

"What's the matter, Bee? You're quiet." Frank said, glancing over at the girl.

"Nothing." She said, not wanting to tell Frank what happened and make him embarrassed or ashamed.

Frank didn't push the subject, he just shrugged and drove on. When they got home, Bandit tossed down her bag by the door and headed to her room.

Frank walked into the kitchen, where Gerard was leaning against the counter, drinking coffee, as always.

"I think Bandit's upset about something." Frank said, jumping up and sitting on the counter beside Gerard. "She's all quiet, and she looks mad about something. She won't tell me what's wrong."

Gerard looked over at Frank. "Well, maybe she got a bad grade on a test or something and she doesn't want to talk about it. Or maybe it's PMS... oh god, that's even worse."

Frank giggled a little, and said, "Maybe you should go talk to her and see what's up." He said. Gerard nodded, and headed back to Bandit's room. He knocked on the door softly, and he heard Bandit say, "Come in."

He did, and smiled at her. She was lying on the bed, drawing. He went over and sat on the foot of her bed, rubbing her back softly. "Are you alright, sweetie?" He asked.

She nodded her head, but didn't say anything. "You know you can tell me if something's wrong." Gerard said.

"It's just... my best friend, Katelyn, said something mean to me today." Bandit said.

Gerard's eyes widened. What could Katelyn have possibly said? Bandit wasn't fat like he'd been in middle school, she was beautiful, and she was smart. How could Katelyn have insulted her?

"What did she say?" Gerard asked.

"She said she couldn't talk to me anymore because you were a faggot. Sorry if I'm not allowed to say that word or something, I just never knew what it meant. She told me, though. She said it meant you were gay. But she said it like it was a bad thing." Bandit explained.

Gerard sighed. He had hoped no one would ever say anything like that to her. "Well, Bee, uh... people have different opinions on gay people. On any people, really. You can't do anything without being judged. Just... don't let it get to you. I know it's hard, but if Katelyn was able to drop you just like that, she must not have really cared about you in the first place."

Bandit nodded, and hugged Gerard. "Thanks, Dad." She said. "I love you. And Frank."

Gerard smiled and hugged her back, kissing the top of her head and saying, "I love you too." Before walking back out of the room.

Frank was sitting on the couch, and Gerard plopped down beside him.

"Did she talk to you?" Frank asked, lying a hand on Gerard's thigh.

"Yeah. Some bitch just said something to her about us being gay and it freaked her out a little." He explained.

"Aww, Gee." Frank said, and kisses Gerard's cheek. "Hopefully she didn't let it bother her too much?"

"Nah, I don't think so." Gerard said, leaning his head on Frank's shoulder. "I just don't want to be the reason that our daughter gets bullied."

"Our?" Frank said, smiling.

"Oh, no, I meant mine... I just- uh, yeah... sorry..." Gerard stammered.

Frank cut him off by kissing Gerard softly and slowly, then pulling back back a little only to kiss his nose.

"I doubt Bee will let herself be bullied." Frank said. "She'll slap a bitch, I bet."

Gerard couldn't help but laugh, even though he would hate for Bandit to get into a fight.

Frank kissed him again, biting his lip this time. Gerard pulled away, and rolled his eyes at Frank, who was smirking. "Stop being so damn attractive." Gerard mumbled, and stood up to get a drink.

Frank giggled, watching Gerard walk off. "Tell that to your ass." He yelled after him, standing up to chase his boyfriend into the kitchen. Gerard saw the shorter man coming, and broke into a run, quickly darting up the stairs to their bedroom, forgetting about the drink he wanted.

"Gee? Baby?" Frank called as he ran up the stairs, but Gerard was hiding. He was under the bed, watching outside for Frank's feet walking by.

Frank walked in the bedroom, and Gerard could almost hear him roll his eyes. "Oh, I wonder where Gerard could possibly be in the room where the only hiding place is under the bed." He said sarcastically.

Gerard felt him grab his ankles, and then he was being pulled out from his hiding spot. He giggled as Frank straddled his waist and started to tickle him relentlessly.

"Frank! Stop! Frankie!" Gerard yelled, trying to twist out of Frank's hold, but failing. "If I kick you in the fucking face then it's your fault!" Gerard warned, forcing the words out between fits of laughter.

Frank finally stopped, but he didn't get up off of Gerard. He kept him pinned to the floor, then leaned down and kissed him, trailing kissed down his jaw and neck, then sucking at his collarbones. Gerard moaned, his hands coming up to rest on Frank's side and neck.

"I love you." Frank said when he pulled back, admiring the purple mark left behind when he finished, and Gerard smiled at him. "I love you more." He said.

"I love you most." Frank said, scooting down a little on Gerard so that their dicks were pressed together. Gerard sucked in air through his teeth, and he pushed Frank gently off before he could take it any further.

"I have to make dinner." Gerard said.

"Oh, come on, we have time-"

Gerard cut Frank off by kissing him, then pulling back and saying, "After dinner." Before heading down the stairs.

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