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*smut at the end*

"I heard there's a quarry around here somewhere." Frank said, glancing over at Gerard from the drivers seat.

"A quarry?" Gerard asked.

"Yeah, like, where they were cutting the rocks and it hit a spring? And it filled up with water, now it's like a really deep pool thingy." Frank explained, turning the opposite direction of his house, where they had planned to go.

"So what, you wanna go swimming?" Gerard asked, and Frank nodded with a smile. Gerard shrugged. "Whatever. I'm fine with it. I think I've heard me parents talk about it before..."

"Yeah, my uncle and my dad used to go there and get drunk when they were teenagers. Apparently it was a big hang out place." Frank said. "I heard it's out towards cross anchor, on a road called Barrel Stave road. That's what my uncle told me."

Gerard nodded again. That was about fifteen more minutes out, not that he had any problem with riding with Frank for longer than planned. They listened to music as they drove, singing along with the windows down. It was hot outside, but it always was. This was South Carolina, after all. And it was summertime.

After a while, they came to a little dirt road off of the main road, and Frank turned his truck down it. There were several hills, and then it flattened out to a clearing. Frank parked the truck.

"Come on, babe." Frank said to Gerard, opening the door and hopping out. Gerard blushed at the name, Frank insisted on calling him names like that even though they weren't dating, not that he was complaining.

Frank grabbed a cooler out of the back of the truck and a couple towels, and tossed the towels over his shoulder. He pulled the cooler behind him and grabbed Gerard's hand, leading him through the woods on the narrow trail that he thought must lead to the quarry.

After about a five minute walk, they finally arrived at the quarry. It was beautiful; the water was clear blue, the rocks were smooth and warmed by the sun. Gerard laid the towels out on the flat surface of one of the rocks, and Frank sat the cooler next to them. He opened it, and pulled out a bottle of Hawaiian punch and a bottle of Everclear. He mixed the two together in two cups, and handed one to Gerard.

Gerard sipped the drink, wincing at the strong taste. He didn't drink much, whereas Frank was used to it, and took big gulps.

"Look." Frank said, pointing up to a huge cliff of rock, jutting out over the water. "TK" He read, and sure enough, the letters TK were spray painted on the rock, in black.

"Let's jump off of it." Frank said, finishing off his drink and grabbing Gerard's hand again. Gerard shook his head, and finished off his drink as well.

"Come on, it isn't that high up. And this thing is probably a thousand feet deep, you aren't gonna hit anything when you go in." Frank said, pulling on Gerard.

"I don't even have anything to swim in." Gerard protested, pulling his hand away from Frank.

Frank raised an eyebrow, and stood up, pulling his shirt over his head. Then he kicked off his shoes, followed by his pants and boxers.

"Frank, ..." Gerard said, trying not to stare, bit Frank was fucking standing there, naked.

"Your turn." Frank said, staring at Gerard. Gerard shook his head, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Come on, Gee." Frank begged, and Gerard rolled his eyes, but stood up anyway, stripping off his clothes and feeling Frank's eyes on him. He felt self conscious, and crossed his arms over his body again. Then, desperate for cover, he ran for the water. He heard Frank running behind him, giggling and gaining on him.

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