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Gerard way wasn't really the partying type. He'd been through four years of high school, and was hardly ever invited to any big parties. But, on one Friday during senior year, Pete Wentz strolled up to him after school, and said, "Hey, Gerard? Party at my place tonight dude, you should come. It's gonna be fuckin' dope."

Pete flashed Gerard a smile, with seemingly too many teeth, and walked away.

Then Frank showed up, this was where they met after school if they were planning to hang out. Frank was Gerard's best friend, and had been since seventh grade.

"Hey, Gee! Did you hear about Pete Wentz's party?" The shorter boy asked, smiling up at Gerard. Gerard nodded, and said, "Yeah, he invited me. Are you going to it?"

"Well, not if you don't want to. We were already going to hang out today, and I'm not gonna ditch you. If you want to go, I'm down." Frank said, smiling still, as always.

Gerard nodded. Why not go to a party? Maybe it would be fun. "Yeah, I'm fine with going. Let's do it." He said.

Frank's smile grew larger, to the point to where his eyes were squinting so much that Gerard didn't know how the boy could see.

"Awesome! Let's go to your house though, it doesn't start until later." Frank said, and they started the short walk to Gerard's house.

They spent a few hours lying around, Frank played guitar and Gerard drew Frank playing the guitar. Then Mikey came downstairs, and said, "Gerard, are you guys going to Pete's tonight?"

Both Frank and gerard nodded, and Mikey flashed a rare smile. "Cool." He said.

Gerard walked back to his room, with Frank following, and he changed out of his school uniform. He put on black skinny jeans, and a navy blue Tshirt with his leather jacket. He wore converse, and made sure his eyeliner looked okay before searching through his room for clothes that Frank could wear.

He found a pair of Frank's jeans that his friend had left there before, and handed them to him along with a black Tshirt.

Then they left, with Mikey walking with them.

When they got to Pete's house, it was only nine, but several people were already there. Cars were parked on the road and in the driveway, and a pile of skateboards rested beside the front door. Loud music was playing inside, and it sounded like Nirvana.

Gerard, Frank, and Mikey walked through the front door. The music got louder, the bass was shaking the pictures hanging on the walls. Girls were sitting on guys' laps, kids were dancing, people were drinking.

The kitchen table was covered in different types of alcohol, the counters were covered in bottles of beer, cups sat in stacks beside the microwave. The air itself looked thick, Gerard guessed it was from smoke from cigarettes and weed combined.

Pete suddenly appeared in front of them, smiling widely and talking over the music. "Hey guys!" He yelled, more focused on Mikey than the other two.

After another couple of hours, more people showed up, bringing more alcohol with them. The music got louder, as did the people. Gerard was tipsy, and Frank was as well. Mikey was nowhere to be found, but Pete's locked bedroom door and an absence of both of the boys gave Gerard a hint.

The living room was taken up by people dancing, if you could call it that. More like guys rubbing their dicks on girls and girls too drink to care.

Brendon Urie currently had Ryan Ross pinned against the wall, sucking on his neck. They stood right next to a family picture of Pete and his parents. Poor Mrs. Wentz had no power to look away from the two boys practically having sex right beside her.

one shots《frerard》Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon