Chapter 1: 15 Years Later

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I woke to the sun streaming through the open window, warming my skin in its glow. Reaching over to my left, my hand connected to empty space. A frown started to form on my lips, and I peered over. Nothing but a cold pillow and equally cold, rumpled sheets. Where was he? I flipped over on my back and slowly sat up, bring the thin blue sheet up with me. Looking around the room, I saw no sign of him. I could feel my heart clenching in panic. He wasn't here. The first thing that came to my mind was, did I do something wrong? Last night was our first time together - my first time ever. I thought back to the previous night. We went dancing - and not at some nitty gritty night club. I had never had so much fun, even if I couldn't dance no matter how good of a lead he was. The dinner afterwards was delicious and perfect. It became even more perfect when he nervously proposed to me. I knew my answer as soon as he asked. I decided to ask him to come over to my small apartment down town. It was then that I self consciously told him he would be my first. He definitely didn't seem to mind that.

I raised a hand to my lips and let my fingers glide over them, remembering his kisses, then lowered them to my neck, recalling his love bites. I had given as much as I had received, at least I thought so. Did he feel differently? Then the most horrible thought popped up. Was I not good? This thought started to consume me as I thought about it more and more. He seemed to enjoy all that I gave, but was I wrong? A tear pricked my eye then slowly spilled over. Drawing my knees up to my chest, another tear slid down my face. I buried my cheek onto my sheet covered knee and faced the window. A beautiful day, but it's starting out as a storm. I chocked back a sob as I gazed over at the empty space beside me again.

I was consumed in my own emotional pain, I didn't hear the door to my apartment open or see the person walk in until I heard my name.

"Nicole?" the voice was familiar, and worried.

My head jerked up to look at him, briefly before I let the sheet drop to the floor as I stood and rushed toward him. I flung my arms around him, squeezing tight as I buried my face in his shirt. His arms wrapped around me, his fingers splaying against my back.

"Nicole, what's wrong?" His voice was thick, though I couldn't place with what.

"You left," I whispered. "I thought-"

"Shh. Hey," he drew back a bit and lifted my face up to meet his, "I'm back now, see?"

I nodded, not trusting my own voice to answer.

He drew me back in for another hug before pulling back once more. "Now, as much as I like seeing you in the flesh, I need you to get cleaned up and get dressed - I want to take you some where."

I blushed a little at his 'in the flesh' comment but I managed to smile up at him. "Ok, how should I dress?"

"Casual will be fine," he replied.

I with drew from his arms, crossing my arms over my exposed chest as much as possible. "Can you turn around?" I asked quietly.

He turned around, giving a little chuckle. "You don't have to hide from me."

"I'm a little self conscious," I replied softly.

"Even after last night? And just now?"

I didn't answer, just scurried off to the tiny bathroom, keeping my arms over my chest until I shut the door.

After coming out in a towel, I ruffled through my drawers and closet, finding my outfit for the day, I hurried back into the bathroom to dress. I came out to find him hoovering over my bed, finishing with placing clean sheets on it. A simple act, but one that meant so much to me.

"So where are we headed?" I asked once he was done.

"The Little Coffee House."

I loved that place. The coffee was great, the muffins were delicious, and it's where I met him a few months back.

We walked down the street to the coffee shop, holding hands along the way, even though his grip was a little tighter than necessary. Once we got there we placed our order - him, a plain black coffee and a glazed doughnut, me a french vanilla cappuccino and a brown sugar and cinnamon muffin. We paid and took our stuff to our favorite spot by the window. We sat there for a moment, just enjoying each others company until he cleared his throat. I tore my gaze from the window, looking at him across from me.

"What's on your mind?" I asked.

"There's something I need to tell you."

"I knew it!" I said with all seriousness. "You're really an alien species from outer space come to Earth to take a human for a bride so later you can have half human/alien babies that would eventually take over the world," I accused.

His lips twitched. "Definitely. You had me figured out from day one, didn't you?"

I smirked. "Naturally." I paused. "But seriously, what's on your mind?"

His lips now turned into a tight line. "You know I love you, right?"

I frowned, scrunching my eyebrows. "Yeah, you told me several times last night. And I of course love you too."

"And you know I wouldn't leave you without a really good reason?"

I placed my cup I had been holding down. "What's going on?"

He reached across the table, grasping my fingers. "Nicole, I would never put you through any emotional stress as long as I could help it..."

"If this about this morning..."

"It kind of is, but not really."

I stared at him.

"Nicole," his voice was strained, like he was trying to hold back some kind of emotion. "Nicole, I'm leaving."

"Ok, we can go someplace else. We didn't have to come here-"

"No, I mean I'm leaving."

I paused. "Like on a business trip?"

"Something like that," he mumbled, his voice hard. "But I'm not coming back."

"Wait, what?" I withdrew my hand, placing it on my lap. I started fiddling with the ring that graced my finger.

"I said-"

"I know what you said! I mean, why? Is it me?" I started to panic again. "Was I not...good?" I chocked out.

His eyes widened. "No!" Seeing my face he corrected himself. "I mean, yes you were, but it's not you. You're not the reason."

I looked down at my half empty cup.

"Nicole, I love you. I just can't be with you."

I looked up, hardly able to meet his eyes. Tears threatened to spill over. "Why?"

It took him a moment to answer. "I can't tell you."

"What kind of shit answer is that?"

He didn't answer. Instead he got up, came over to me and placed a kiss on my forehead. Then he started to walk away.

"Caleb!" I stood up, the tears finally running down my cheeks. I could care less of the people staring at me.

He paused at the door.

"Please don't go."

"I'm sorry." Then he was gone.

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