Chapter 2: Run In

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I finally arrived back to my tiny apartment hours later. My face was tear stained and I lacked the energy to do much else than curl up on the cozy couch in my most ratty sweat pants and oversize T-Shirt. I didn't turn on the TV. I didn't grab a book. I didn't turn on the radio. I simply sat there. My legs drawn up to my chest, my cheek resting on my knees, staring toward the window. I kept turning the ring that was still in place on my finger. How could my life be as close to perfect as it could possibly be one second, then be close to ruins the next? He just left. Not giving me any real answer. Why would he ask me to marry him last night, only to break things off this morning. He says it hadn't to do with last night while in my bed. He said he loved me and didn't want to leave. So why did he? What happened between falling asleep last night and waking up this morning?

I thought back to my dad leaving me and my mom all those years ago. I didn't know why he left at the time, because I was too young. Now, as an adult, I knew why. He had someone on the side. A mistress. Someone from work. His secretary. He chose her over mom and me. He could have broken things off with her and try to fix his relationship with mom, but he didn't. He left. Just like Caleb. Did Caleb have someone on the side too? Is that why he left? I needed to know.

With a new determination, I dragged out my old, second-hand suitcase and started flinging clothes inside. If I could get answers from anywhere, it would be Caleb's small hometown in West Virginia. I've been there once - Caleb had to go there for a family emergency, he insisted I stay at a small hotel ran by this very nice, if not nosy, old lady instead of staying at his parents' house with him. Maybe that should of been my first sign that something was wrong. I finished packing my clothes and forced my case to lock. I looked around and decided that nothing else was important enough to take with me - I'd only be gone for a couple of days, three tops. Satisfied, I grabbed my keys and suit case and headed out the door.

After placing my case in the backseat of my beat up blue Hyundai Accent, I climbed in the drivers seat and peeled down the road.

About thirty minutes from my destination, and it started raining, pouring actually. It was dark out and my head lights were having trouble getting past the rain. I had my wipers on the high speed, but it did little to help me see better. I ducked my head and leaned forward in a vain attempt to improve my vision. The flash of grey came too soon, and I hit my breaks and swerved too slow. The heavy thud was too sickening. I didn't realize I had slammed my eyes shut until I slowly peeled them back open. My breathing was heavy and uneven. Panicked. What did I hit?

Looking around, I was surrounded by nothing but trees, hiding in shadows and blurred in the rain. Did I hit a deer? I got out of my car to take a look. What I saw made me freeze momentarily. It wasn't a deer, no in fact it wasn't an animal at all - a man, a very naked one. "Oh my gosh!" I ran over to him. "Oh, please don't be dead. Please don't be dead," I cried. I ignored the pouring rain that constantly beat down to the earth, and managed to ignore the fact that the man was naked. I fell to my knees beside him. I was about to touch him to roll him over to face me, but thought better of it - if he was injured, which was likely, I might make it worse. "Hello?" I crawled to the other side of him so I could see his face, he had to be in his early to mid twenties. Rubbing my knees nervously I asked again. "Hello? Can you hear me?" I rubbed my knees harder. "Please wake up," I sobbed. I was answered with a low angry growl.

I slowly looked up, tears mixing with water drops on my cheeks. There in front of me stood a white and grey wolf. A very angry wolf. I quickly glanced down at the man before snapping my eyes back up at the wolf at its warning growl. "Please just leave us alone," I whispered, my voice shaking. "Please."

The wolf took a menacing step forward, and I took a frightened one back, landing on my ass. My eyes widened as the wolf leaned over the unconscious man. "Don't!"  It snarled in reply before leaning back down and sniffing him. Raising its head up it let out a couple of howls and a yip. More howls answered back. There were more of them? Looking at me, quite accusingly, it bounded off into the trees.

Finding the strength to do so, i crawled back to the man I hit. "Sir? If you can hear me, now would be a good time to get up." He continued to lay there. "Please." I lifted his face in my hands and proceeded to check his eyes. As I opened one eyelid, I gasped, and removed my fingers so his eye would close again as I was met with a flash of glowing amber. Too frightened to move him, and not sure I had the strength to do so, I continued to sit there with him, rain be damned, and rubbed my knees as I kept urging him to wake up. Please don't let that wolf, or its buddies, come back.

Then I heard the most wonderful sound. Another car. I looked behind me and could make out a truck. Shielding my eyes against the high beams, I heard a door open and slam shut. A figured started to approach, I couldn't make the person out from the light shining in my eyes. Then they stepped into the way and my own car's headlights revealed him.

"What happened here?" he demanded.

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