Chapter 4: Answers

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Monroe continued to glare at me. "She ran you over with her car!"

Mason started to rise up from the couch. "And I'm fine," he winced.

"Yeah, fine, sure. That's not what Maggie says."

I watched as Mason continued to rise up, the blanket sliding dangerously low. "I don't care what Maggie says - no offense... " Maggie shrugged. "I'm fine. A bit sore, but I'll live - been through worse." He met her eye and a growl, like Zach's echoed throughout the room. "You know that."

She let out a huff and shoved him aside to make room for herself on the couch. "Who are you anyway?" She snapped at me.

Mason answered before I could. "Her name's Nicole - she's here for Caleb." He looked to the group. "Where is he? He's got a lot of explaining to do."

"I'd say," I mumbled.

"He's on his way," Monroe replied.

My heart skipped a beat. Caleb was on his way here? I'd get my answers sooner than I thought. Another thought occurred to me. I looked past Monroe to Mason. "How did you know my name and I was here for Caleb?"

"I heard you. I was hurt, not deaf."

I blushed in embarrassment, remembering my freak out. "I'm really sorry for hitting you with my car. I really didn't see you. What were you doing running around without any clothes on anyway? Don't you think it's a bit weird?"

Mason was serious with his answer. "It's normal for us."


Maggie stepped up to me. "Don't be surprised if you see any of us in a similar situation, Nicole."

"Nikki," I replied. "You all can call me Nikki."

"Nicole," came the familiar voice of my fiancé - or ex fiancé. I turned to look at him. "What are you doing here?"

I frowned. Seriously? "You know damn well why I'm here!" I shot to my feet, mere inches from his face. "You left without an explanation-"

"I told you-"

"That you couldn't be with me, yeah, I heard that. Try again," I sneered. Suddenly my face crumpled. "I just want the truth, Caleb. That's all I want, then you won't have to see me again, if you don't want to."

Caleb looked to Monroe quickly before turning his attention back to me. Oh.

"Is there someone else?" I couldn't help casting my eyes over to Monroe.

His look held pain and something else before changing it to be unreadable. "Will you guys excuse us?" He looked to Mason who nodded. Grabbing my hand, he led me outside to the closed-in porch. He didn't speak for a moment, running his hand through his hair and pacing back and forth. "There isn't anyone else," he said, turning toward me. "Not yet anyway," he mumbled, not meaning for me to hear but I did. "I saw your face - I'm not with Monroe."

"What's going on, Caleb?"

He gave a short, humorless laugh. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

He met my eyes. "You don't belong to me, Nikki."

"Wh-What?" I held up the hand that still had the ring on it. "What do you call this, Caleb? I said yes! I said yes, then you leave me because 'I don't belong to you'?"

"You don't belong to me," he said softly, almost calmly.

"If it was a mistake, Caleb, you could just say so," I sneered.

His eyes soften more than I ever saw them before. "It was a mistake, Nikki, just not the reason that you're thinking."

I was about to reply when the door opened behind us. Monroe stood there with her arms crossed next to Zach, who looked a little tense.

"You might as well come back in," said Zach. "We can still hear you from inside the house."

Caleb looked at me and I stomped inside before he could tell Zach no.

"I don't get, Caleb!" I turned on him as he stepped through the doorway. "If I 'don't belong to you', then why did you propose?"

"Yeah, Caleb, why did you?" came the angry voice.

"Stay out of it, Monroe," he snapped.

"Watch it," she growled back.


He turned to the group, who also seemed to be waiting for an answer. "Can't you guys smell it, sense it?" When they didn't answer, he continued. "She has his sent," he answered.

"What are you talking about?"

He turned back to me. "You want to know why you don't belong to me?" He pointed over at Mason. "It's because you belong to him!"

The room was suddenly quiet, and my eyes widened. "You're not making any sense!"

He was suddenly close to me, too close. "You belong to him! And him to you!"

Monroe let out one of those strange growls.

I looked over at Mason, meeting his golden eyes, before focusing back on Caleb. "Wow, that's the most horrible excuse I have ever heard."

"It's true," he replied. "You have his sent. I didn't know until after..."

I jumped when Zach took a good long sniff of me. He nodded. "Yep," he said turning to Mason, "she does."

I watched as Mason slowly got up, closing in the distance. He didn't look away from my gaze and when he was close enough, he too, sniffed me. When he pulled away, his eyes flashed, making the gold color more intense. "You're a werewolf?"

I looked around the room before turning back to him. "What?"

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