Chapter 6: Half Breed

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"I don't know him," I explained. "He left my mom and me when I was a kid."

"What was his name?" Monroe ordered.

"Why do you care?" I snapped back.

Monroe began to snarl before Mason sent her a look, immediately causing her to clench her teeth and keep her mouth shut.

Zane stepped up to me."What's his name?"

I waited a moment before answering. "Richard Moore."

Tension filled the room.

"Shit!" One of the guys I still didn't know the the name of exclaimed.

Caleb starred at me. He looked about ready to go into shock. "Richard Moore is your father?"


"The rogue?" Monroe questioned. She stepped closer to me and sniffed, her eyes closing. Jerking away suddenly, her eyes shot open and a quick flash of amber sparked before going back to her normal green. "She's no omega. She's the half breed of a rogue." Her eyes sharpened at she glared at me." She's a mutt."

"That's enough, Roe!" Mason snapped. His eyes had a slight glow to them making the amber more intense.

"She is a mutt," she growled in reply.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Monroe stepped closer, putting her face in mine, causing me to have to look away from the predatory look she stared at me with. "It means, you don't belong here. So take your stuff," she got impossibly closer to me and - even though it was clear everyone could still hear - whispered harshly, "get the hell out."

"I'm not a mutt," I sneered at her. "I'm not a werewolf. I only came here for answers," I caste a look at Caleb. Looking back at Monroe I continued. "I got them, so I'd be happy to leave."

"You're not going anywhere."

I glared at Mason. "Excuse me?"

"It's getting late. And we don't need anymore accidents."

I looked down in shame. The guilt of hitting him with my car coming back ten fold. "I'm so, so sorry about that..."

He waved my apology off. "All's forgiven, but you're not leaving this late."

I wanted to argue, but I knew he was right - I didn't want to hit another person. I shivered at the thought. "Ok." I looked at Caleb. "Uh, can you tell me how to get to that hotel I stayed in...."

"No, no hotel," Mason interrupted. "You'll stay with us."

"She can stay with me!" Zane excitedly put an arm around me. I shied away.

Mason's eyes narrowed at him. "No," he growled.

"She's welcome to stay here with me and Luke," said Maggie.

One of the guy's I hadn't known the name of nodded. "She can stay in Timmy's room - the little minion always ends up in our bed anyway."

Maggie laughed and rubbed his arm. "Don't sound so glum about it, babe."

"So it's settled then?" Zach asked. "She'll stay here until morning?"

"Then her ass is outta here," implied Monroe.

Mason starred at me for a minute. "Ian, get Nicole's things and bring them in."

The other guy that spoke earlier nodded and ran out the door. Monroe followed after shooting me a sharp glare.

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