Chapter 7: To Submit Is To Be Broken

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I couldn't meet Mason's eyes - instead, I starred slightly below them. I wanted to let out a whine - to roll over on my back and bare my belly. What is wrong with me?! Each time I tried to lock eyes with Mason, mine would swiftly shift away.

"Sit down, Nicole."

I couldn't help but to obey. My feet seemed to move on their own, leading me to the couch. Mason's amber eyes held me captive. I couldn't - wouldn't - move, not an inch. "I just want to go home," I said, looking down at my lap.

"We-I can't let you do that, Nikki."

My jaw clenched in anger.  I'm starting to think I really shouldn't have came here, even if I did want answers from Caleb. "And why the hell not?!"

Mason lightly grabbed my chin and lift it up 'til my eyes finally met his. "Do you know what it means to belong to someone, Nikki - to be one's mate?" He didn't let me answer before he continued. "To be bitten by the alpha? An alpha who is your mate?"

"If this is about me telling anyone you're werewolves, I won't tell."

He shook his head. "That's not what this is about, Nikki. I'm not worried about you telling anyone about us - about you."

"I'm not a werewolf!" I tried to stand, but Mason's glare held me still.

"Not fully, no, but you are a werewolf." He trailed his finger down my throat. "It's in your veins. Always has been." As I looked down, he ducked his head to catch my eyes again. "How much do you know of Richard Moore?"

I didn't want to tell him anything, but I soon found myself doing the complete opposite. "He's my biological father, he left my mom for someone he worked with, leaving me behind when I was too young to know what was happening."

"What about his family?"

I shrugged. "I may have met them a few times before he left, but I don't remember them."

"He's a werewolf, Nikki. A damn good one, too - one of the best. And being his daughter, you have that wolf blood running through you." Amber eyes flashed. "You may not be able to sprout fur and a tail, but you are a werewolf. Whether you admit it or not."

"And you biting me, what did that do?"

"You're my mate, Nikki. You're part of my pack now."

I shook my head, standing up. "No, I'm not. I - I don't want this. None of this. This is crazy." I began pacing, avoiding Mason's eyes.

"We can give you time to adjust here, Nikki, but you won't be leaving."

I stopped and stared at him in disbelief. "Excuse me?!"

"Even if you tried, you wouldn't get far. You physically can't leave the town's border without the alpha's say so."

"Well, maybe I'll test that theory."

Mason step to the side, waving a hand to the door. "Be my guest."

I grabbed up my keys and headed out the door. Forget my belongings, the sooner I got away from here, the better. Heading straight for my car, I slide in and started it up. As I went down the winding road I noticed another car following me. As I got to the welcoming sign, I slowly put my foot on the breaks, coming to a complete stop. I stared at the road ahead of me. Willing myself to continue driving, but my foot wouldn't leave the break pedal.

"Go, dammit!" I yelled at myself. "Fucking go!" Hitting my steering wheel, tears started to slide down my cheeks. I looked in the rear view mirror and saw Mason and Caleb in the car behind me, waiting. When Caleb slipped out of the car and came up to my passenger side door, I turned my car off.

"Nikki..." Caleb placed a comforting hand over mine.

"I just want to go home," I said in a broken voice. "Please."

He wiped some of my tears off. "I'm sorry."

"This is your fault," I snapped. "If you hadn't left the way you did, I wouldn't have came here!" I let a moment of silence pass between us before I told him to get out. As he did, I started the car back up and made a U-turn, heading back to the ranch house.

Everyone was outside as I pulled up the drive. Maggie rushed over and drew me into a comforting hug. "Do you want to talk?"

Monroe, with her arms crossed, sneered. "Are we really stuck with the bitch?"

Mason, suddenly behind me, let out a growl. "Roe!" His tone warning.

Lifting a brow, she turned on her heel and went inside. Maggie drew me closer. "Don't mind her. She'll come around eventually." Giving my shoulder a pat, she exclaimed, "Who's hungry?!"

There was a chorus of "Hell, yeahs!"

As everyone headed in, I turned to Mason and Caleb. "I want this control you have on me removed."

Mason crossed his arms over his chest. "I can't do that, Nikki."

"You can, and you will," I stated.

Letting out a sigh, he stepped closer to me. "Two days, Nikki. Give me two days."

"For what?"

"To make you see you belong here."

"To submit is be to broken, Mason."

He paused before answering. "Not always." Stepping around me, he headed up the porch. "See you inside."

As Mason closed the door behind him, I faced Caleb. "I'm not staying for two days."

Caleb looked back to the closed door. "You don't have a choice, Nicole." He let out a sigh. "And I don't think you'll be leaving in two days, either."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I demanded.

He turned back to me. "It means, you will submit, Nikki. You won't be able to help it." He frowned at his own words. "Let's go inside. Before Roe eats all of the good stuff," he smirked.

I followed Caleb inside, lost in my own thoughts. Two days stuck here with these werewolves? Won't be able to help but to submit? What was going to happen in two days?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2017 ⏰

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