Chapter 5: Werewolves

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"Werewolf? What are you talking about?" Was he crazy? I really did hit him hard, didn't I?

"She can't be a full werewolf," snapped Monroe. "We would've been able to smell her a mile away."

"So, what, she's half?" Zach asked, taking another sniff at me.

I shied away. "Will you all stop doing that?"

The room was quiet yet again. Everyone just kept starring at me. Waiting. For what - a freak out? Werewolves aren't real. They only belong in horror movies and books.

Mason stared intensely to the point I had to look away. "Are you?" He asked.

"Am I what?"

Monroe looked as if I was stupid. "Half werewolf, genius."

I matched her sarcastic tone. "No, genius, I'm not."

Her eyes narrowed and a growl rumbled from her. "You bet-"

"Oh, go bark up a tree, Roe!" Caleb cut her off.

Before I could tell what was happening, Monroe lunged at Caleb, sending the both crashing to the floor, landing on top of him with her face close to his throat. "Know your place, Beta."

"It's certainly not below you," he snapped in reply.

"He has a point," Zach said.

"Stay out of it, Zach!"

"Enough!" Mason roared.

Monroe leaped off of Caleb who then quickly got to his feet, glaring at her.

"Roe, sit your ass down. Caleb, I need to talk to you." Mason didn't wait - he was headed to the kitchen area and a door could be heard opening.

Caleb met my eye. "I'll be right back."

I watched as he left the room, then one of the other wolves, who looked like he could be related to Zach, spoke up, "So, are you part wolf?"

"Uh, I don't believe in werewolves." Wow, this was so awkward.

"It doesn't matter if you believe in them," he said. "Are you or are you not half were?"

"I'm not," I deadpanned.

"No way my brother is mated to an omega," Monroe mumbled. "There's got to be some mistake."

"Some mistake," replied the wolf that spoke earlier. He was looking up and down my figure, causing me to become self conscious. I wrapped my arms around me and shifted from one foot to the other, then back again. I looked up and met his gaze, a slow smile forming on his lips.

OK, looking away now. Monroe? She was still glaring. I turned to Zach. "You all believe in werewolves, huh?"

He snickered. "Darlin' we are werewolves."

"You know how crazy that sounds, right?" I looked around the group, avoiding Monroe. "I mean, come on!"

"We could show her...."

"No, Zane. Mason wouldn't like that." Zach glanced toward the kitchen. "Or Caleb."

So his name was Zane. I pointed between the two men. "Are you two related?"

"Brothers," Zane replied. "He's older by three years."

Suddenly, Monroe lets out a harsh laugh. "It appears you're wrong, Zach. As usual."

Zach groaned, running a hand through his thick blonde hair, still wet from the rain, as his brother, Zane, grinned.

"I volunteer!" Zane exclaimed.

"No you don't!" countered Caleb, emerging from the kitchen followed by Mason who leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed. At least he had pants on. "Roe?" He turned to her.

She nodded, standing up from her spot before stripping off her clothes and falling to the floor on all fours. "You're gonna wanna watch this, Nicole." Then the cracking and popping began.

I looked on in horror. What the hell was happening? Monroe's body twisted and stretched at odd angles. Ridges in her back popped, her hands started to stretch. Her skin was splitting and tufts of grey and white fur were starting to show. I wanted to scream. To run. I was frozen. A few seconds later, I was starring into the face of the wolf I met on the road.

Wolf Monroe let out a deep growl, barring teeth. In the corner of my eye I saw Mason push away from the kitchen entryway. Glaring down at Monroe with those amber eyes of his, he growled right back at her. The sound was long, deep, threatening. Warning. Monroe gave a quick whimper and scurried back a few feet.

"Believe in werewolves, now?" laughed Zane, coming up to me and throwing an arm across my shoulder.

I didn't know what to believe. That was the craziest, if not scariest, thing I have ever witnessed. She turned into a fucking wolf! A wolf! That kind of thing just doesn't happen. Tears pricked my eyes. Werewolves. I was in a house full of werewolves?

I jumped from Zane's touch. Eyes wide, looking around the room. Monroe. Maggie, Zach, Zane, Mason. The other two guys. Caleb? All werewolves? I could feel my chest tightening. They wanted a freak out? Well, now they have one. Caleb reached for me and I flinched. Backing as far away from him, from everyone, as possible.

"Why did you have to show me that?" I choked out.

Everyone was quiet as Mason answered. "You had to know, Nikki." My eyes shot to him. "Now, we need to know who your father is."

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