●The Weekend●

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A/N The pic at the top is Stella

Warnings: Abuse (it took a quick turn)

Kurt's P.O.V

After everything that happened, at the sleepover, I decided to meet up with Sebastian.

We decided to meet up at The Lima Bean. I drove to the Lima Bean, and waited about 5 minutes until Sebastian came through the door.

He spotted me quickly and walked towards where I was sitting.

"Hey," I said.

"Hi. Now why did you invite me here?" He asked.

"Well I was hoping we could be friends, and I wanted to know more about you." Half of that was true.

"What do you want to know?" He asked confused a little bit.

"The basics. Like, what's your favorite color? What's your favorite animal? Do you like any bands? If you do what kind of bands do you like?" I asked.

"First of all, you sound like a survey person. Second, green, penguin, yes, and a bunch of bands." He said answering my questions.

"Good....good," I said not knowing what else to say.

We sat in silence for awhile until we seen someone's shadow over us. I didn't know who it was, but apparently Sebastian did from the look he was giving him. Sebastian looked like he just saw a puppy getting ran over by a monster truck.

"Hello Sebastian," The stranger said with a small smirk on his face.

"Dominic....hi." Sebastian looked like he didn't want to see him.

"Want to introduce me to your....friend?" Dominic asked saying friend as if it was a disgusting thing. I turned and glared at him offended.

"Dominic this is Kurt. Kurt this is Dominic....my boyfriend," Sebastian said. I looked at him wide-eyed.

"Your boyfriend?" I asked shocked. Crap, no he's supposed to end up with Hunter not this...Dominic person.

"Yeah. Have a crush on him or something? Well, too bad, he's mine." He spat out with venom.

"Well Dominic and I have to go," Sebastian said quickly taking Dominic's hand and leaving.

"What just happened?" I asked to myself.

Sebastian's P.O.V

I took Dominic's hand and left.

"Dominic, you can't do that to my friend," I said to him.

"Lay off babe. Don't make me do what I did yesterday right here right now."

"N-no no," I said stuttering, scared of what he might do to me this time.

Last time, he hit me. He hits me all the time, and I don't know what to do. If I tell he'll get sent to jail and he'll probably come after me, but if I don't he'll keep hitting me.

"Good," He said with a creepy smile. You know, the ones that look like a freaking pedophile.

He grabbed my wrist so hard I think it's gonna leave a bruise.

"I have to go," I said wincing.

"You're off the hook this time," He said angrily.

He let go of my wrist, and I looked at it. Yep, a big purple-blue bruise was forming.

I drove to the venue where I was having another meet and greet.
I changed into ripped skinny jeans, a shirt that says 'My Fans Are Better Than Yours' in bold letter, put my hair up into a quiff, and added a red streak to my hair. My fans go crazy over the red.

Before I left, I applied make-up to my bruise so no one will notice.

I left my dressing room and went out to the table.

A few people behind I could see people I didn't want to see right now.
Oh my gosh they're coming! Quick! Act natural!

All the New Directions were here!!!

"Hi," Brittany said. "My name is Brittany S. Peirce. Don't get confused with my name. I'm not Brittany Spears I'm Brittany S. Peirce."

"Hello Brittany S. Peirce," I asked politely. "What do you want me to sign for you?"

She gave me a photo shopped picture of me and her together. I signed it anyway.

While I was writing her a message, Santana pointed something out.

"Uh what's that on your wrist?" She asked.

I then noticed my bruise from Dominic was poking out like it was trying to be seen.

"Nothing. It's nothing. I just..fell," I lied.

"It doesn't seem like nothing," She said back.

"Well...it is," I said.

"Are you ok?" She asked. She is getting on my last nerve.

"Yes I'm totally fine," I said irratated a little.

"Whatever you say popstar," She said.

"Anything else you want me to sign?"

"Nope that'll be it," They said and left.

I decided to go home after the meet and greet because honestly I was tired.

I went home and found something horrible......



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