●Death And Boy Kisses●

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A/N Picture at the top is Shady

(I don't own Glee or Hannah Montana or any songs used in this chapter)

Bold are the lyrics

Italics is the flashbacks

The little girl's middle name mentioned is pronounced A-ree-ah not Ar-ree-ah.

Sebastian's P.O.V


I saw Stella on the floor next to a body. It was Shady. I gasped. I ran over to Shady and Stella.

I stared at Shady's body lying unconscious, her skin pale. Her once pretty blonde straight hair was covered in blood. Which made me wonder how does she have blood on her hair but there isn't any blood on her anywhere?

Shady was wearing her favorite aqua blue dress. It was her favorite because our aunt bought it for her before she died.

Judging by Shady's body, it looked like she committed suicide. Tears brimmed my eyes.

"Did you call 911?" I asked. She nodded her head, afraid as she might burst into tears.

"Do you know when they're going to get here?"

"They said 20 minutes. I called them 10 minutes ago." She bursted out crying.

We waited 10 more minutes, then finally the ambulance got here. They put Shady on the gurney and wheeled her into the ambulance quickly.

"Can we ride with her?" I asked.

"Sorry only one person can ride with her," One of the paramedics said with sympathy.

I sighed. We drove my car to the emergency room. I ran up to the receptionist. A woman in her mid 20's sat there.

"Hello my name is Mae may I help you?" Mae asked.

"Hi I'm Sebastian. We're here to see Shady Smythe," I said.

"Oh poor little girl. She was rushed here immeadiantly," Mae said sadly.

"What happened?" I asked.

"I think you should talk to Dr. West about that," Mae said.

We walked off. I completely forgot to ask what her room number was.

I walked back to the receptionist desk. I opened my mouth to speak but Mae cut me off.

"Room 36, sweetie," Mae said with a generous smile.

"Thanks, Mae," I said.

I picked up Stella, and walked to room 36. I laughed at the room number because it reminded me of Nick and Jeff.

"Sebby, while we're here and waiting for Shay can we go see daddy?" She asked.


"Sure, but we have to find out whats wrong with Shay," I said.

"Family of Shady Smythe," A doctor said.

"That's us," I said.

A woman that looked about in her late 20's came up to us.

"Hi my name is Dr. West," The doctor said.

"Sebastian and this is Stella." Stella waved.

"Well Shady was stabbed in the back about 12 times. She has some bruises and scars all over her arms and legs. Right now she's in a coma," Dr. West said cringing.

My little sister, Stella's twin sister, was in a coma. It took me a little while to grasp all of this in. My watch beeped.

Crap, I have to go see sick kids at the hospital.

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