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Once I sat down and Mr. Jones started talking Logan keep staring at me. I pulled on my jacket sleeve to make sure Logan didn't see, the scars on my wrist. He was telling us we had to do a project with our partner. We had to build a catapult.

I knew how to build one because my uncle did one. I was happy we were building one i always wanted to. I realized that I would be doing all the work but I'm fine with that. I knew Logan won't come over to my house even though he lives right next door but I don't care.

Halfway through the period Mr. Jones lets us talk to our partner about designing. I just start drawing what it will look like. I get really hot because Logan is staring at me and Mr. Jones doesn't have the air on. Like the idiot I am I take off my jacket? He starts talking to me.

He says," I guess I will come by tonight to help you."

"Um, I'm fine I can do this myself. And tell him you helped."

"Damn you're still so stubborn like old times. I'm coming by anyways it will be nice to see your mom and dad." Crap. Why does he want to see my dad? What will I tell him? "So you still playing soccer?"

"No, I quit back in 7th grade." Why is he now trying to be back into my life? I needed him before but he leaves me he never cared before.

Logan asks me what we are going to do for the project and I explain. When I was done talking we just stared at the board. He grabbed my wrist and said," I'm sorry I been an awful friend and I know I left you but I'm sorry. Can you please forgive me? I know it might be hard but please. I miss you."

"Will you please stop touching me? I don't know if I can forgive you " One I hate people touching me. Two my wrist is burning, the scars are a week old and they are still hurting.

He lets go of my wrist and stars at me. He looks down but I move my wrist. He grabs it and looks at it. Before he can say anything the bell rings. I run out of the classes and head toward the gym. Before I can open the doors someone grabs me.

"Zoey, you know I saw."

"Yeah, I know you can screw off. Go run to all your friends and tell them like you always do. Destroy people's lives like you always do. Go ahead. Tell your girlfriend so she can... never mind."

"Never mind what. Why the would I tell them?"

"Because you're a horrible person, who doesn't care about hurting other people."

"You know what why am I even trying with you. See this is why we aren't friends anymore."

"Don't you ever say this is why, we all know it's because of your "lovely" girlfriend Heather. And why are you even trying don't you think it's a little late where were you when I needed you the most. Oh yah with Heather. While my dad is dying." That was not a good idea, he doesn't know about my dad, so why did I say that.

"Your dad was dying? I didn't know." I'm so tired of all these lies. I tried texting, calling, going to his house. He never answered.

"Yes, he was dying and he's not awake. Its been how long and didn't you know? And you still don't. And that's because you were too busy with Heather and being her puppy dog. You know what bye." I walked away.

This is the worse first day of school. I hate this school, I really just wish I could be homeschooled. I just don't want to talk to my mom about what is happening at school because it will cause more stress on her. I went inside the gym and went into the bathroom and started crying this is going to be awful. At least Logan won't come over tonight.

The nerd and the bad boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن