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I was playing soccer with my best friend Logan. He was helping me get ready for my soccer game. I loved soccer that's how we met. Truth is I like Logan and his brown hair and green eyes but he wouldn't see anything in me because I wear glasses and he's my best friend. Also he's popular but I don't really fit in with the popular's so I stay with my friends at lunch. I kicked a ball at him at lunch in the 4th grade and now we are in 7th grade. I'm the youngest on my soccer team and the smallest. I was born in October so I'm 12 while everyone is 13 I hated being the youngest.

Logan was about to make a goal but I ran up and stole the ball and kicked it to my goal. My dad came out and yelled," ZOEY."

"Yah dad."

"Lets go." I gave Logan a hug bye. He wished me good luck even though he knew we would win. We only lost one game before.

I put on my soccer jersey and got in the car with my dad. When we got to the game and my best friends Heather and Hailey came up and gave me a hug. They said," Good luck." Before I ran to the field Hailey also loved soccer but Heather was a girly girl.

I ran out to the field and started playing but some girl pushed me down but I got up and stole the ball and made a goal. When the game was over we won 8-2 . I made 4 of the goals. My dad carried me too the car and told me how happy he was that we won because he was the reason why I loved soccer he taught me everything I knew he was the best dad anyone could ever had and I loved him so much.

He took me to go get ice cream he got rocky road and I got bubble gum which was my favorite ice cream. We played i spy while eating our ice cream. After we were done eating we got in the car and he turned on the radio and Rhythm of Love came on. It was our favorite song we started singing to it.

After it was over we started laughing I was having a great night until our least favorite song came on. He leaned forward to turn of the radio. Then out of nowhere a car came speeding at us I started screaming and the car hit us and the last thing I remember is him saying," I love you." before I blacked out.


Hey guys. I just added this prologue so you guys would understand the story better. Im going back and editing all the chapters. I dont like the how the story is going its going to fast so im going to edit alot. So thank you guys for reading and please dont be mad that im editing im just trying to make this a better story. Bye

The nerd and the bad boyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن