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Chapter 11

Zoey's P.O.V.

(Before Logan knocked on her window)

After Hailey dragged me home from the party I was freaking out. I was worried about Logan. He is hiding something from me and I want to know what he is hiding. I tried to text him and call him but he wouldn't answer. I finally decided I would just watch a movie. I am pretty pissed at him I just hope we don't end up like before. I hope he doesn't push me again and forget about me again. I put on the perks of being a wallflower.

I start to watch the movie but I can't focus. I know Logan can take care of himself but I don't know. I think I love him but I'm not sure. I mean I always dreamed of dating Logan but I always thought he was out of my league. About an hour later my phone went off and I thought it was him but it was Hailey.

Hailey: Have you heard from him?

Me: Nothing. I'm rly worried about him.

Hailey: I'm sure he will be fine.

Me: I hope.

Hailey: Want me to come over? We can watch movies.

Me: Yah.

All of a sudden there was a knock on my window.

Me: Hailey. I think he's here. Movies another night?

Hailey: Of course. ily. It will be okay.

I go over to my window and I see Logan on a ladder. I see blood on his face. I open the window and I accidently said," What the hell happened?"

He answered," Can I come in I will explain everything."

I nodded my head and he climbed in the window. I missed him I was so worried. I started crying and he came over to me and wrapped his arms around me.

Logan's P.O.V.

I felt so bad. I knew I hurt her. I made her worry about me. Stupid Logan. She went into her bathroom and grabbed a wet rag so she could wipe up the blood. My face really hurt. I want to tell her everything but I'm afraid she will hate me. My past was ugly. It was not safe and I don't want to get her involved.

Zoey looked me in the eyes and said," Please tell me what happened. I don't want to lose you again."

"I'm honestly scared to tell you. There is a huge chance you will hate me."

She came and sat next to me. She leaned in and kissed me. I wanted this kiss to go on forever. I love her. She grabbed my hand and whispered," I will never hate you. It's not possible to hate you."

*Flashback - 4 years ago*

"Mom its summer and there is no way in hell I'm going to Scott's."

"Don't start this again. You are going to stay with your uncle and cousin all summer. You been making bad choices and I think you being around them will help."

"Whatever mom."

A few hours later I was in Boston getting off a damn airplane. I mean I'm glad I'm out of California. I'm staying in this hell until high school starts. 12 weeks here. What the hell am I going to do here?

I finally saw my dick of an uncle. Ugh I hate this family.

Before I knew it Scott and I were getting along great. Pretty much every night we were going to the bar. My mom wanted me to stop drinking but fuck that. This is me. Logan Anderson the party animal that was my new name.

About three weeks being in Boston I became part of a gang. One that delivered drugs. At the moment it seemed cool and fun but a few days in it I regretted it. I never got my ass beat like all the other guys that's the main reason they keep me in the gang. Most of the new guys got the life beat out of them but I didn't I knew what I was doing.

Every day we did the same thing. Sleep till night time, then party, then deliver. My uncle just thought I got a night job and he worked in the day time so I never really saw him so he had no clue.

Weeks pasted and it felt like days. It was finally the last night in Boston. Honestly I am going to miss it here. I finally had people to talk to and they understood me. I mean back in California I had everything I was popular but honestly I felt like I had no one. I had to go tell the boss I was leaving and I was sure he would be pissed.

"Look it is not fault I have to leave."

He slammed his fists on the table," Call you damn mom and tell her you're staying. No way in hell am I going to let you leave. You might just run to the cops."

"Why the hell would I go to the cops I would get my ass in prison right next to you."

"If you leave it will be the biggest mistake of your life. We will be right after you. So think careful."

"Who would you send after me if you remember I'm the best guy who worked for you in a while."

I walked out of the room with a smirk on my face. I knew there was a chance he would still send people after me but I want out of here. I wanted to go home. I regretted getting in this with Scott.

*End of Flashback*

I looked over at Zoey and she was crying. Damnit I didn't want her to cry.

"Zoey it's midnight. Go to sleep and we will talk in the morning."

Honestly I didn't want her to sleep but I could tell she was really tired. I saw her shake her head then she fell asleep in my arms. God I love this girl so much.


Hi. Sorry I have not updated I did not have my laptop.

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