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*One year later*

I can't believe it, I'm graduating. I have been waiting for this day for such a long time. I finally decided what I've been planning for my future, I was going to become a lawyer. In less than two hours I'm walking across the stage and I'm officially done.

Hailey is coming over soon and I can't wait, we are going to get ready together. I can't believe we are going to be going our separate ways soon, I'm going to miss her so much. I was so lost in my thought until I heard the doorbell ring. It was Hailey.

"Hey, are you ready for this?"

"I am beyond ready. I need this, to leave this town."

It's been nearly a year since I've seen him. He is all I can ever think about, at school he's known as the mystery boy who just went missing. He was that, a huge mystery. He came back into my life and confessed his love and left. I always think I let him back in way to easy. I know I did but once you grow up with someone you do. I now realized I fucked up.

"Are you okay?"

I looked up at her. I guess I zoned out again. I gave her a weak smile.

"You're thinking of him again, huh?"

"He's all I can ever think about. The way he did that. The way he just left. I should've never let him back in my life. "

"We all fuck up, but it will be okay. Soon you'll be able to move on far away from here. I promise."

"Yeah. I hope so."

"Now lets go get ready"

*About an hour later*

I was impressed on how I looked, Hailey helped do my makeup and under my cap and gown I was wearing a beautiful blue dress. I felt so happy that today was the day. In two months I would be leaving. I was going to a college in England for a while, I decided I wanted to be a lawyer. Hailey was going to a college in our state, it would be weird to not see her everyday but I knew this was the best for me.

My mom came up in my room and she just started crying. "You look so beautiful."

"Mom, it's okay. You don't need to cry."

"My baby girl is all grown up. I can't believe it. Are you girls ready it's time to go?"

Hailey and me headed down stairs and after about a hundred pictures we were in the car leaving. It was time. It was finally the time to leave him behind and this town. I wanted so far away.

I can't handle the pain anymore. The feeling in me, the huge whole inside of me. It just feels horrible. I feel horrible. I constantly have dreams of him, and then I always wake up in tears over him. I wanted this to end. He left, so why do I still care. It's the only answer I am searching for. Most of the time I hear his voice still, of him saying he loves me. I also feel his touch and I really fucking miss it.

"Zoey, snap out of it."

"Oh. Sorry."

I guess we arrived. I got out of the car and I took it all in. I can't believe this. We went to where we were supposed to be and waited for the ceremony to start. Most people at the school just look at me with sad eyes since he left. Like they knew something horrible happened, like they knew a huge part of me was gone and would be for such a long time. Them thinking that was completely true, I wish I knew when the pain would stop, when things would finally not be so fucking messed up.

*Three hours later*


"I know."

I said that while holding back so many tears. Before Hailey could question it her family came running over and so did mine, but I couldn't deal with it yet so I snuck into a crowd. I walked to a spot where I knew many people would go. To a spot Logan and I always went to, I just sat here crying. I couldn't stop crying. I wanted him back. Today was supposed to be our day when we graduated together. The day when we finally both started our lives together. Maybe that was the problem I had to much hope.

While sitting here I just kept thinking of us, of all the laughs we shared. The times where he snuck through my window. The first time he told me he loved me. I really miss him. I wanted to go to prom with him, but instead I stayed home while Hailey went. I couldn't go knowing everyone there was still having pity for me. Asking the question, where did Logan go? I never could answer that question because he never said where he was going. In fact he never talked to me again.

He kidnapped me and just left. I shouldn't want to be with him. I should be so pissed off that his name makes me want to just punch him, but it doesn't. I still love him, and I have no idea if I will be able to stop loving him.

After a while I decided I needed to go back and be with my family before they started to ask more questions. I snuck back into the crowd and made sure to put on my happy face and dry my tears. I saw Hailey and the rest of my friends and I smiled at them. I was done with high school and it felt great.

"Zoe, are you okay?"

"I can't answer that right now. Let's just go celebrate."

With that we went to the grad night party and I danced all night long, till I couldn't feel anything in me. That entire night I was actually happy. I knew soon I would be leaving to head off to college and starting my own life. I didn't have to worry about drama or that much of boys anymore because I'll eventually find someone. I knew things might be okay. Hailey made sure all night to cheer me up with really helped with everything.

The night well morning finally came to an end. It was time to leave and probably my last time on campus in a long time. Hailey and me walked out of the school hand in hand like we used too. We looked and the school and said our goodbyes. That might sound strange but I'm going to college far away from this town and I honestly don't know if I'll ever be coming back. We finally got in the car and while Hailey drove us to my house I just quietly looked away toward the sunrise.


Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed the chapter. I've decided it's time to come to an end with the nerd and the bad boy, so there is going to be one more chapter to the story. Hope you guys are prepared.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2017 ⏰

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