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Hi. This chapter is kinda triggering so I'm sorry if you get triggered. I will warn you so if you want to you can skip it.


Zoey's P.O.V.

It was already Monday morning and I didn't want to go to school. I hate that place everyone is so judge mental. Just because I like my bands and don't wear pink I'm emo.

I got out of bed and I did my hair and put on mascara. I'm not a fan of makeup so I just wear mascara. Once I was done I went into my closet and was deciding what to wear when the door bell rang.

I grabbed my sweater and put it on. I walked down stairs. I opened the door and it was Logan. I asked," What are you doing here?"

He replied,"I thought I could give you a ride to school. Instead of you walking."

I smiled and said,"Give me a few minutes to get ready."

I walked back upstairs and next to my phone was a note from my mom. It said she had to go to work early but will be home for dinner.

I grabbed my black veil brides shirt and my jeans. I was dressed when Logan walked in with food. He made me eat it. I was surprised he used to only be able to make food that was already cooked and needed to be heated.

After we were done eating we went outside and got in his car. On the way to school it was quiet. I was scared the "populars" already treated me bad but what they might treat me worse. Heather might kill me because she will probably think I'm stealing her boyfriend.

We finally got to school and I opened the car door. As soon as I did everyone was staring at me. I started walking next to Logan and he said," I'll met you at lunch."

I nodded and went to my locker. I heard people already talking about me. Once again I was the talk of the school. I started waking to my locker when some girls called me a slut.

I ran to the bathroom and started crying. I couldn't take this anymore. I felt so broken. I felt useless. The bell rang and I ran to class.

When I got to my math class everyone was talking about me. This guy said,"How much did you pay Logan? Cause I'll pay you."

I stuttered,"What are you talking about?"

"How much did you pay Logan to do it with you?"

I chocked,"I didn't."

"Sure you didn't. Because the whole school knows you did."

I asked my teacher if I could go to the nurse. She said I could so I ran to the nurse and asked if I could go home. They signed me out and I went to my locker.

I decided not to tell Logan. I saw some of Heathers friends so I ran to the door and ran home. Once I went home I made sure to lock every door and I didn't turn on any lights. I ran to my room and started crying.

(It's getting triggering here)

It was like my freshman year all over again. When Heather keep spreading rumors about me. Calling me a bitch, slut, jackass, etc. It's all over again. I can't take it anymore. I went into my bathroom and grabbed my blades and started cutting. I felt so much better.

It wasn't helping though. I ran into my moms room and grabbed her sleeping pills. I took them back to my room and took what was left in the bottle. I laid down. This is what I wanted. This is what I needed.

(Ends here)

Logan's P.O.V.

It was lunch and I didn't see Zoey anywhere. I called her phone and texted her but she didn't answer. I heard people talking about her and I hope she is okay. I went to the office and they said she went home. I ran out of the office and ran to her house.

I hope she didn't do anything. I started running faster than anything. I ran up the steps to her door and it was locked I pounded on the door. She won't open the door.

I knew how to pick a lock. I finally picked the lock. I called her name but she didn't answer. I ran upstairs to her room and I saw blood. I looked on her bed and saw a bottle of pills and her laying there.

I grabbed my phone and called 911. I told them everything. They told me they would be right there and I was panicking. I couldn't lose her again. I love her.

I love her. I wish she knew how much I love her. She is so special to me. I love Zoey with all my heart.

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