Ian x Mickey

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Before Ian's "departure":

"I'm leaving town." Ian spoke, leaning on Mickey's doorway. His eyes couldn't yet meet Mickey's. Taking what Ian said as a joke, Mickey then laughed, "Is there a queer rally somewhere?"

"Army." Ian quickly replied.

"Ah, right." Mickey said picking up the beer that lay-ed by hs bedside. "You have to be eightteen." He added, taking a big gulp of his beer.

"Yeah, uh, I figured a way around that." he responded, twirling the string on his hoodie. His eyes met Mickey's. Mickey stood motionless, staring straight at Ian as if he was waiting for Ian to yell, 'I'm just fucking with you.' He saw that Ian still did not move and kept his face stern.

"You serious, you signing up?" He asked, placing the can of beer back on his burreau.

"Tomorrow morning." He smirked, tilting his head a little.

"That's a dumb ass fucking move, how long?" Mickey quaked, moving towards him.

"Four years, minimum." he responded, the smirk slightly dissapearing from his face.

Mickey eyes watered, his mouth slightly opened, he looked Ian in the eyes and stammered, "What are you hoping, I tell you not to go? I'ma chase after you like some bitch?" Mickey managed to make his way to the back of his bedroom.

"I didn't come here for you." Ian said monotonically, turning from the doorway.

"D-don't." he stuttered through the lump forming in the back of his throat and the tears building up deep inside of him.

"Don't, what?" Ian inquired, turning back to Mickey.

Tears rolled down Mickey's cheeks, then he quickly wipped the tears from his eyes and turned away from him. Ian rubbed the back of his neck, he had never seen Mickey like this and this worried him. The thought of Mickey crying made Ian sick. Ian always loved him with all his heart even though he always keeps up his shield and never drops his tough guy image. He couldn't bear to see him like that so, he briskly walked to Mickey and hugged the back of him. Mickey quickly reacted and pushed Ian away, he then grabbed Mickey's arm and pulled him towards himself, Mickey tried to break away from his grip but then felt helpless and fell into his arms. He laid his head on Ian's chest, tears still rolling down his face.

"I love you," sobbed Mickey. Ian's eyes widened, he has never heard Mickey tell him he loved him, the phrase 'I love you' was pretty surprising coming from Mickey. Ian wasn't quite sure on how to react to that so he muttered, "I will always love you."

"And, uh, I'm not really leaving." he then uttered. With no indecision Mickey broke away from Ian and punched him in his stomach, He collapsed on the ground, with his right hand grabbing his abdomen.

"You're lucky I'm holding myself back from beating the shit out of you."

"Why don't you?" Ian asked, a smirk building up on his face.

"Because," He sniffed. "Don't fucking push it, Gallagher. You know I'll do it."

Ian laughed and the pain shot through his stomach.

"Shit," He growled, clentching his stomach.

Mickey felt bad about punching Ian in the stomach but he didn't want him to know.

"Man up."

Ian smiled and shook his head at Mickey's responce. Of course Mickey would respond like that, He thought. He then tried to brush the thought of pain away.

"All this fighting is getting me hard." Mickey marveled. Ian quickly stood up and grabbed Mickey pressing his body against his. Ian's right hand traced up his thigh to Mickey's erection. "Nice," He whispered, dirtily in his ear, Mickey laughed and caressed Ian's ass. He looked up and stared into Ian's eyes, his forehead pressed against his, Mickey leaned in to kiss him but then the thought of being needy came into his head and as soon as his lips brushed Ian's, he pulled back. It filled up his chest and caused him to breath harder.

Ian hastily ripped off Mickey's clothes revealing every inch of his body before him, Ian smiled with satisfaction at the way Mickey looked, naked. At the sight of Ian's plessure Mickey bit his bottom lip sensually while Ian unclothed himself.

Ian knelt on the bed while Mickey positioned himself infront of him. Ian lasciviously rubbed his hands down Mickey's back. Reaching his ass, Ian spat into his hand and lubricated Mickey's asshole. He haltingly thrusted into him and Mickey let out a groan, this triggered something in Ian and made him more agressive, thrusting harder into Mickey. Ian placed his hands on Mickey's hips and started to breath harder.

"F-fuck." Mickey moaned.

Ian breathed harshly, he knew he was leading into his climax. "Shit!" he groaned, cumming all over Mickey's back.

His breathing returning to normal, he rubbed the cum all over Mickey's back.

"Your turn." Chimed Ian.

He got off the bed and on his knees. Rubbing his hands down along Mickey's inner thigh, and wrapping them around his cock, licking and kissing the tip of his dick. He continues to lick not only the tip but down the base. Ian then opens up his mouth a little wider and begins to suck amatively. Ian embrasses him until after two minutes.

"Shit. I'm gonna c-" Mickey groaned before orgasming in Ian's mouth. He fills Ian's mouth and he quickly swallows, some semen is left on the side of his mouth. Ian smirked.

"God-damn Gallagher, you're an animal."

This made Ian laugh loudly.

"What?" Asked Mickey.

"I just love you," he answered, flopping on the bed. He wipes the semen from the side of his mouth and wipes it on Mickey.

"That's all you." Ian jokes.

"Fuck you." he giggles, reaching for Ian's hand.

Thanks for reading! :) xo

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