chapter three ☂

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a/n: here's the third chapter! i'd like to really thank you all for the feeback. i can't stress how happy it makes me. i just hope i don't bore you with my detail bc sometimes it's very lengthy. this chapter is a bit more light-hearted and playful so i don't know how i feel about it. as for the dedication, this one is not dedicated to a commenter (sorry, next one will be!), but to one of my favorite writers, @BelWatson because she is absolutely phenomenal at writing and i think is a beautiful person. anyway, if you like this chapter, please vote & comment!

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The best days were the days where you bum around and do absolutely nothing—well, nothing useful that is. For Lily, those days were so frequent in her life that Harry entitled them Lily days. She couldn’t really be blamed for not doing anything as she didn’t have much to do except things with Harry, who was usually busy doing things of his own to do anything with her. Even so, Lily left New Jersey and headed off to London every summer with no regrets; seeing Harry a few times during a week and every Sunday consistently was enough to please her.

Today was a Lily day, and it was possibly the most boring one ever. Even though Lily had vowed a long while ago that she could never tire of watching Friends, she was absolutely bored with watching the same rerun every day. It didn’t help that there was nothing else to watch with British dialect that Lily could actually understand. She had absolutely no clue how to react when a British woman who was being pursued by a British man named Larry remarked this he was a chav. (But by the way Larry tried not to cry and failed, Lily guessed her reaction should have been pitiful.)

At about two ‘o clock, staring at a drawing of a flower basket of lilies Lily had gotten as a pun on her birthday last year didn’t really suffice anymore. To save herself from a painful death of extreme boredom, she rang up her best-friend, Angela.

Angela and Lily met in London when Lily had gotten lost and somehow ended up in a coffee shop. Angela had been working there and seemed nice enough so Lily asked her for directions back to her flat. Almost immediately, Angela left to the back of the shop, came back with keys, a note-pad, and a pencil, scribbled something down on the notepad, and left the shop with Lily. Her explanation was that she was going to quit that day anyway, and she said goodbye to her job and co-workers at the coffee shop with a very emotional, “Goodbye, mother-fuckers!”

A car ride later, Lily and Angela had exchanged numbers and become extremely close friends after a summer’s time. Angela knew absolutely everything to know about Lily, and vice versa with Lily. Their friendship was something that many admired, and some were jealous of. Harry was the captain of the jealous group.

“Hi, Angela,” Lily said when the ringing stopped and she heard Angela’s thick British accent say “Hey, Lil.”

“What's up?” Angela asked. Her voice was casual so it didn’t seem like she was in a rush to get anywhere.

“I was wondering if you wanted to go out right now. Maybe get some frozen yogurt or something?” Lily asked. She felt a bit shy with asking as she usually was the one who was invited to things, not the one who hosted them.

“It’s one of the extreme Lily days, isn’t it?” Angela chuckled. “I’ll just come over and pick you up then. We’ll go to that place you’re obsessed with, uh—”

“Cuppa Yogurt!” Lily filled in. When Lily originally went there she laughed at the bluntness of the name, but no laughter came after she tasted their yogurt. She practically worshiped the cement the place was built on.

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