chapter four ☂

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a/n: i'm having a rihanna moment rn because i'm not really sure how to feel about this chapter. read very carefully in the beginning—it's crucial to do so! anyway, this is dedicated to @BellaKramer because she always leaves such wonderful comments on this story and is super nice :) thank you so much to all of you for giving such awesome feedback! anyhow, if you like this chapter, please vote & comment!

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Lily sat comfortably in the very back of the eight-seater car Louis was driving. She, along with five impeccably groomed boys known to be in a band involving a direction, were on their way to their flat—more specifically, Harry and Niall’s, but the boys spent so much time together in the flat that it’d become “the flat.”

Harry wanted to sit in the passenger seat so that he’d be next to Louis, but Zayn had taken the spot. The curly-headed boy hadn’t minded sitting next to Lily though—at least by the way he wasn’t complaining, Lily didn’t think he minded.

“Hey, Lil,” Harry spoke.

She turned her head. “Yeah?”

“Nothing, I just wanted to say something because I was bored.” He grinned, letting out a round of chuckles as Lily rolled her eyes at him,

She shook her head at the boy. “You’re so stupid.”

Lily looked into his green eyes and decided Harry was simply a bunch of lines. His eyebrows were sloppy curt lines that formed two arches over the diamond arranged lines that were his eyes. His hair was an array of swirls that somehow managed to look completely enchanting despite their unorganized simplicity. Harry’s nose consisted of sharp lines and his lips were lines that Lily wanted to disarray.

As she stared at Harry and his diamond eyes she lost realization that he had started to say something; something about a time when she did something really stupid.  

“You have really nice eyes, Harry,” she told him suddenly.

That was when, very slowly, Harry towered over Lily, the mass of curls on his head almost reaching the ceiling of the car as his head bent down position. He scooted over to Lily, gradually coming impossibly close to her. He looked in her big brown eyes as his large hand found her smaller one.

“Lily,” he whispered, inching more and more towards the brunette.  

“Lily . . . Lily . . . Lily!”


“H-Huh, what?” Lily stuttered. Harry snapped his fingers in front of her face, his eyes brows bunch together as one of them rose up to form an image of confusion.

That was when she realized what had happened: she’d been daydreaming about Harry. Embarrassingly enough, it often happened when she was alone or truly looked at Harry.

“You were staring into my eyes and telling me how nice they were like you always do and then, you kind of looked . . . away . . . from Earth,” Harry told the dimpled girl, sounding a bit worried. His green eyes were streaked with a darker shade of green, something that often happened as a side effect of worrying for the boy.

Lily smiled weakly and shook her head. “I was just, uh, thinking about this show I was watching before on TV.” 

“Oh, what show?” Harry asked casually, leaning slightly towards Lily. She shifted nervously as she tried to think of a show she watched other than Friends in London—it was really not an exaggeration to say Lily watched Friends every day in London. Any other show she watched was just a pastime for any commercials that played during an episode.

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