Words Can't Describe How I Feel

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A/N: Second chapter is up. I'm sorry if there are any errors there i didn't get the chance to edit it yet. Enjoy and comment so I can hear your opinion :)


Kyle POV

I got out of bed excited for some reason. 2 days ago was my 18th birthday and you know what that means. Yup, the search for that special someone has started. Every werewolf has to undergo this process once they reach 18. I hate how I have to stick to one girl when I can get lots of them to beg for my attention, but deep inside my heart my wolf was really excited to meet this mystery woman. My father, the alpha, told me that there's a 99% chance I might meet her at school and that made me eager to go to school. I would usually go to school whenever I want to but today was different, today was special I can feel it.

I rushed to the bathroom taking a shower and brushing my teeth before combing my dirty blonde hair and leaving it messy the way girls like it. I got dressed and went downstairs not even bothering to look in the mirror, I already knew I looked good why bother checking.

"Good morning, baby", mom said giving a me a quick peck on the cheek.

"Good morning", I said. I sat down and ate the breakfast that was laid in front of me. Man can my mom cook or what?

"Aww thank you", my mom said giving me a smile. I smiled up at her knowing that she had heard my thoughts. I felt a hand on my back and looked up to see my dad.

"You ready for school. Ready to meet that special someone." He said calm but I can see the excitement in his eyes. I knew he was anxious to meet her.

"Yeah, but how will I know it's her?" He looked surprised but he smiled wide like he was remembering something.

"Trust me, you'll know when you see her now get going." He said and walked over to mom and gave her a small kiss. I smiled and got up and grabbed my bag. Man, it must be great having a mate and not to seem soft or anything but I'm getting more and more excited. I took my car keys and drove to school. As I got out my friends crowded me and we exchanged handshakes before walking away in our little group. We were talking in till Tracy, one of the sluts I usually 'hung out' with, came and wrapped her arms around me. She's one of us, but she loves to fool around with the humans.

"Hey baby, Happy Birthday I didn't get to say it before", she said looking into my eyes. I pushed her back a bit and sighed.

"You do know that I may run into my mate anytime now and that we shouldn't play around anymore right." She shrugged and hugged me tighter.

"Well you haven't found her yet, right?" She said pressing her body against mine. I pushed her away quickly. She looked at me and sighed." When you get lonely just call", she said strolling away.

"Wow you got all of the girls", my friend Nick laughed. I know, I know, I thought. "Don't get cocky", he said reading my mind. I looked at all of the people that was slowly showing up to school. Having a school like this with humans and werewolves made life interesting around here. The humans knew nothing of our existence and we liked it that way. Most of the teachers here are werewolves anyway and I was there soon to be alpha.

My eyes roamed for a little while before it landed on a girl, a beautiful girl. She was walking with a girl and a guy. I saw as his hands were rested on her shoulder and that got me mad for some reason. I growled and watched as they sat on a bench facing the football field.

"Yo dude, what's wrong", Nick said but I was tranced. Wow. I stared at her not even realizing that her friend was looking at me. I saw her smirk and watched beautiful turn around and lock eyes with me. My heart instantly started to race. I wanted to run up to her and kiss her. She's so......so, words can't describe how I feel right now. The bell rang getting her attention. I stared at her as she got up with her friends and walked to the entrance of the door. My legs finally started to work and I found myself following her. She continued walking not even bothering to turn around when she knew I was here.

I don't know why I feel like this but she must be mine. My wolf roared from in me wanting her. I must have her. I must be with her. My mate. Mine and only mine.

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