Jealousy Never Looks Good On Anyone

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Kyle POV

She was beautiful. I watched as she opened her window a bit and left to go to bed. I stepped out but quickly hid behind the tree once again when she looked back out at my exact location. Did she see me? I peeked out a little, knowing that the dark sky made me invisible to the human eye. Her hair blew back allowing me to see her face clearly. A smile crept onto my face without me even knowing. She disappeared again and I waited a few more minutes before jumping up onto the ledge of her window.

"Good, she's asleep." I opened her window a little more and slowly made my way to the center of her room. I observed everything in her room too obtain some information on my mate. I couldn't help but chuckle when I saw a picture of her when she was a child. She had the biggest smile on her face, and looked so cute. Her dad, I'm guessing, was next to her and another photo, next to it, had her mom hugging her from behind.

I finally made it up to her bed where I watched her. She looked so peaceful and calm while she slept. I reached out my hand and hesitated a while before moving a strand of hair from her face. My fingers softly grazed her skin making each finger tingle. I quickly withdrew my hand so I didn't disturb her sleeping. I turned to leave but the call of my name stopped me.

"Please stay Kyle", Her soft voice said. I turned back and looked at her to find that she was still sleeping. Is she dreaming of me? I walked back to her bedside and gently leaned in to kiss her forehead. With that I left through her window with her face in mind.

Riley POV

I opened my eyes and rubbed at them. I went over to my bathroom mirror and tried to control my hair before taking a quick shower. As I walked into the kitchen fully dressed and exhausted I saw my mom making breakfast.

''Hey sweetie, you hungry'', my mom said already laying the eggs and bacon onto the plate.

''Mom you already no the answer to that'', I laughed quietly. I sat down as she rested the plate in front of me. ''Thank you''. I yawned loudly and sighed heavily. Why did I have to stay up all thinking about Kyle of all people. I woke up last night because I felt a cold draft coming through my window and I was freezing. The only warmth I had, strangely, was on my forehead. It was a burning sensation that I sadly remember as the sensation I got when I touched Kyle, when Kyle touched me. I couldn't stop thinking about him after remembering our last encounter and I didn't fall asleep at all until I eventually got sick of thinking.

I washed my plate and placed it into the dish drainer before returning to my room. Grabbing my bag I went back downstairs to see Jameson still in his boxers now eating his breakfast.

''Jameson you do know that we have school today right?'' He looked up and then back at his food.

''Yeah, and your point is?'' I kept my gaze on him waiting for him to turn his attention to me. When he finally did he sighed. ''Why don't you just call Bryan and ask for him to drop you to school today, Its going to take a while for me to get ready", he told me, continuing to eat his food. I rolled my eyes and left him to eat his breakfast. What a annoying brother, I thought.

''Your still here, Riley'', My dad said as I passed his work office. I peeked in and smiled widely. It always made me laugh when I saw my dad wearing his glasses he always wears in order to do his work. He's turned into a real workaholic.

''Yeah, Jameson is taking to long and suggested that I call Bryan to pick me up.''

''Okay, well have a good day at school'', he said waving towards me and then continuing his work.

''Thanks, you too.'' I sat on the stairs and took out my phone. I went to my contacts and immediately called Bryan.

''Yes, Riley'', Bryan answered calmly. I smiled at how ridiculous his voice sounded on the phone.

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