Double..Date? [part 1]

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Riley POV 

Blah. Blah. Blah

That's all i heard the teacher say. Even my pencil was more interesting then what this teacher was saying. I sighed slouching down onto my desk. Last class of the day, thank god. Bryan was next to me studying his nails not paying attention to anything the teacher was saying either. Should i tell him now, i thought thinking back to the " date " issue. I sighed not wanting to think about it anymore. What did i get myself into?

" Whats up? " Bryan said taking his attention away from his nails to look at me. Do it.

"Hmm? Nothing." i said pathetically. He gave me a nod and went back to his nails. I'm such a wimp, i grumbled in my mind. I sat up from my desk and suddenly had the perfect plan. I grabbed a blank sheet of paper and started scribbling away on it. If i cant say it verbally i might as well try the old fashioned way.

You got plans for tonight ?

I tossed him the paper and he gave me a ' are you kidding me ' look. i shrugged and ushered him to read it. He started his response while i tried my best not to " chicken out " of this confession. He tossed it back and i quickly hid it as the teacher gaze landed on us. As soon as he turned his attention away from us i looked at Bryan's response.

No. Why?

I sucked in a breath of air and shook away my cowardliness. It took me almost 5 minutes to write out the previous events of today onto the paper and i hesitated to give it to Bryan once i was finished. I passed the note back too him and watched for his reaction. i watched as he read it for the 3rd time and i gave him a small smile as he looked my way. He crumpled up the paper and tossed it in the nearest trash can. Damn.

The rest of the period went by in silence besides the teachers babbling. When the bell ringed [ rang ] everyone jumped out of their seats to finally leave this boring class. Bryan made his way for the door and i ran up too him in a hurry. Once we was finally outside i pulled Bryan aside and gave him a stern look. He returned with a blank expression.

" Riley, I'm sorry but you must be kidding me, right? " I wanted too tell him it was a lie. i wanted it too be a joke but the world is way too cruel for that. I gave him a sly smile and he closed his eyes as he started to swear.

" I'm guessing that you wont be joining me then." I sighed.

" Fuck." He said grabbing his head. " Well of course I'm going, what kind of friend do you think i am?" He yelled angrily. I can see the veins in his muscle's popping out.

"Wait, you will?" I beamed. I embraced him and his body started too calm down." I'm sorry for getting you in this, thank you so much." I loosed my grip around him to look at his face and he looked at me blankly." Having second thoughts? "

" Well, is Kyle going to be there?" I hope not.

"No." Please don't be there.

" Okay, so what time is this thing?"

" Its 7:00." He looked at his watch and gave me a funny look.

" That's in about 3 hours. Don't you wanna go home and get ready?"

"I guess, can you give me drive home, i don't like waiting for Jameson. " He gave me a nod in understanding and began his walk to his car. Once we got in the car we didn't waste time on getting away from this half empty parking lot. We went over our plan for the "date" and i promised to tell him the place we were going too meet up once i contacted Clary. " See you soon, thanks for the ride!" I yelled at Bryan as he waved and drove down the road. I turned towards my house and sighed heavily. Preparation time.


I walked out onto the porch with Bryan by my side. He had just arrived about 10 minutes ago after telling him the arrangements. They all agreed that Sam and Zayne would pick Clary up first then pick me up and then we were gonna head out too a movie and have dinner. Typical Sam, going all out for a date that wont even last. I didn't think it would be appropriate to just wear jeans on a date even if it was a fake so i dragged on a beige colored dress that actually boosted up my feminine side and i curled my hair making my brown eyes stand out. Of course i wore leggings and brought a jacket because it gets cold in the theater.

Bryan just wore jeans with a plain white T-shirt but i didn't mind. I saw a truck pull up at my house and i began to get nervous. I gulped back the silly emotions i was suddenly feeling and grabbed Bryan's arm, pulling him along with me. Someone opened the door from the inside and inside appeared Zayne in the passenger seat and Sam and Clary in the back snuggled against each other.

"Hey, you look great!" Clary said eyeing my dress.

" Thanks, you too." i said looking at her in amazement. She wore a V- neck hot pink dress exposing her chest and her hair was put up into a nice neat bun, she looked great. I climbed in and Zayne looked at me with disbelief and eyed my dress.

" You look great", he said with a genuine smile.

" Thanks", i said, starting too feel awkward from his gazes. I looked over to the driver of the truck and saw earphones plugged into his ears. I couldn't see his face but- Bryan cleared his throat. " Oh.. i hope you wont mind i brought my friend Bryan along." Sam gave Zayne a look and Zayne extended a hand towards Bryan.

" Not at all, nice too meet you Bryan." Bryan accepted the handshake but i felt a bit of tension rise. Awkward.

" The movie is gonna start so we better get going", Sam said slicing through the awkwardness. He reached over Clary and took out one of the earphones out of the drivers ear. " Lets get going."

"Don't boss me around, i will drop your ass over here and leave you", the driver answered turning around and meeting my eyes.




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2014 ⏰

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