Chapter 2

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 Ladies, may I have your attention? I have called you all here under the assumption that you all have the right horse for you here. We chose your horses from the roster to fit what you passed in your entrance exam. I would like to see you two at a time in the arena with the selected horse. Lili and Rose-Ann will help you find your horse and tack. I would like to see a full grooming as well. You have 20 minutes."

        He paused to grab the sheet beside him, "Mikayala McDavid and Lydian Rosschester, Prance 'N' Bounce and Delilah."

        The teo girls scrambled down from the bleachers and greeted the two girls.


"Hmm. Stall 2 and 18 will do."

After about what seemed an hour my name was finally called.

"Your the last one of the day."

"D-does that mean I get the only horse left?"

"No. It means you come with me after this Calli."

A sinking feeling filled the pit of her heart and stomach.

"Each morning on your schedule you will come out here, get your horse and put fresh hay and water in his stall with a bran mash in a bucket labeled with your horses name. When you come to tack-up and groom you use the tool-kit made especially to fit your horses needs. At the end of the day your horse stall is mucked out and has a fresh supply of water, hay, and grain. You will go to all your classes on schedule starting tommorow. Your horse becomes your first priority here girls. Is that understood?"

"Yes sir." we all said.

"Good. You are dismissed."

Everyone left but me as I approached Mr. Groffman.

He said, "I saw you a few months ago at that show and this is how you're here. I saw your name in the sign-up sheet for StoneRidge and decided then and there that you were the one for our scholarship."

"Thank you sir."

"A perfect horse for you. He's a stallion. Come with me."

He waved and walked away.

"Hey boy. Star Song. That's a beautiful name. How about Star?"

  Melandi Gorson will kill when she hears about this! I walked back to my dorm and opened my laptop. I brought up a wattpad tab, my facebook tab, and a youtube tab. I told them everything about my day and all about my stallion. Then I shut down and went into the bathroom and turned on the shower. Then climbing out, I turned on my blow-dryer and curler and let my hair mostly drip-dry. Then I brushed my hair and slowly curled it. Hold 1-2-3-4-5 drop. And repeat. I grabbed my hairspray and clenching my eyes shut, I sprayed the fruity apple scented hairspray on my soft curls. I went to my closet and found my clothes and got dressed. When I checked the time only 3 hours had gone by.

"Wonderful. I still have what 3 hours to kill."

That's when the PA went off.

"All students report to the dressage arena. I repeat, all students to the dressage arena in 3 minutes."

I sighed and pulled on my riding boots. I grabbed my key and walked out the door.  

I walked across the lush green grass and to the dressage arena.

"Hello Ms. Rhodes. I take it you like the horse?"

Mr. Groffman said.

"Yes sir."

And I walked to the bleachers and sat down.

"Hello students. Welcome first years. Known as the Yearlings. Also welcome to our 2nd years known as the ponies. Congratulations to our graduating class the third years. Otherwise known as the Horses. Now I would like to bring up to the stand RoyalCrumbRud and Rilla Myes please."

"Hello. This year I was the lucky person to be chosen as the speaker at the starlightt welcome. So welcome. Also we would like to thank all our teachers and Mr. Groffman who gave us our horses and some of our best memories at this school. Like that time in science. We exploded a goat testacle in Ms. Hardeans science class. That was the best."

She waited for the laughter to subside.

"After this assembly you will be dismissed to dinner and then to bed. 2nd and 3rd years are to report to the stables to check on their horses.

"Tommorow we begin a new journey. New memories. New loves. New. I am excited to say our fundraisers raised enough money and more for brand new jumps. The color-guard and parade comittee are taking new members! The Elite will also be holding auditions for a another spot as well. The spirit squad!! Rah! Rah! Sign up now! Rah! Rah! Oh and the flag team will be taking tryouts too. Prom volunteers are also needed for this years Fall Formal. We always end in a big, loud, spirit chant. So I want everyone to repeat after me. StoneRidge! StoneRidge! StoneRidge!"

"Wow! We have some loud groups this year don't we Royal?"

He stomped his hoof as if to say,

"Assembly dismissed."

Everyone stampeded to the cafeteria. I found Rachel and steered her towards a different table.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh. Hey Calli!"


"Calli! I am going to eat with Sarah, okay?"

"Alright. I'll be here."

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