Chapter 8

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How I just love being woken up on a Sunday morning. Especially for

something that's not urgent. Note my sarcasm.

"Come on! Let's go on a trail ride." Rachel said.

"I don't know. Don't we need permission?"

"I got us permission! Let's go!"

"Uhmm. Give me 10 minutes."

"Bring a little money with you. The place we are riding into has a small

cafe. It's kinda retro."

"Oh gosh! Please tell me you didn't just say it's retro..."

"I did and I am proud of it."

"Didn't you know? Retro is so last year!"

"Well, baby's bringing it back."

She snorted and laughed.

She got dressed, pulled on her coat from the crisp September air. The

wallet fell out of her coat, and she put her phone in her

pocket. She pulled on her purple cowgirl hat and her purple boots.

Walking to the barn, she shivered. The wind howled through the trees

and everyone else was still asleep.

"Rachel, wakes me up. Doesn't tell." She grumbled.

She saddled up, apologizing for the early wake-up call to Star.

She waited at the North trail head like Rachel had told her.

"Sorry, Mahagony loves to be a pain in the butt and about 75% of the

time doesn't listen."

"S'okay. Goose used to be the same way until I started riding him with

just lead shank. For some reason, he detested a bridle."


"Naw. Pretty much the same thing with me. Everyday."

We started down the trail and they kicked Mahagony and Star into a

gallop/lope. (Whichever you prefer)

We rounded the curves in the trail, until Rachel pulled Mahagony to a

halt. She threw her head, and pranced around.

   "You trying to hurt our horses on these stones, Rachel?"

    No, it's the ruins of the old academy. It used to be beautiful. Now, it's just ruins. "

"Well, what happened?"

   "A fire. It started in a first-year dormitory. No one knows how it started, but everything was lost. Most

of the students got out. Some say you can hear the screams of the deceased around the ruins. They

came out here and threw away as much as they could, but there is still loose stone everywhere. It's

also why they tell us never to go near the creek. It's right over there."

   Okay. That was creepy. Especially, when it's dark outside and early.

"You invited me on a ride to be told about a dead, old school?"

  "Well, they already covered it in History. Don't you pay attention?"

   "No. My history teacher says, 'Read the textbook, do 500 worksheets and it's all do in 2 weeks."

   "Oh, well. Rosentime will tell you soon enough, I suppose."

     She sounded like she was swallowing words.

   "What's wrong, Rach?"


    "Rachel..." I said warningly.

 "Really. It's nothing you need to worry about."

"Rachel, i'm your friend. You can tell me."

"It's just my family. My sister. She was the one who taught me to ride. She got me my first pony. She was my role-model. The only reason I'm at Stoneridge is because of her."

  "Yeah. The reason your here, is because she got you to be the best you can be."

    I had a bad feeling what she was implying, but I'm not going to hurt her that way.

 "No! The only reason I'm here is because the school offered me my sister's spot."

 "Did she.... Did she... die in the fire?"

 "No, she.. she was a lucky one to get out. 2nd year dorms. "

 "So, is she at home?"

 "No. Well, I guess. She's close to it."

She uttered the last words.

 "Too much smoke inhalation. It turned into pnemonia."

 "Can that really kill a person?"

 "For someone with strong lungs, maybe not. The thing Lacy was that she had lung cancer. She begged our parents to let her come here. She told them so much about this school. She had binders full of every show, every brochure, every name. Even the commercials were recorded."

    "Finally, they caved. She turned to me and said, 'Someday you'll be there right along with me."

     "Sorry feels so meaningless."

  "Can we just go?"

"Yeah. Let's go. You need a


   "Which way?"


   We edged past the rocks and


   As we arrived in town, Rachel


  "This is the place."

"Good. I'm starving."

We sat down and ordered our drinks,

after checking the horses were okay

tied to the post.

  "When you said this place was old

-fashioned, you really meant it."

  I motioned to the walls.

  "I don't kid around much."

     "Mm. Strawberry smoothies are


   "It's made fresh from the

strawberries at a vineyard. "

    The waitress arrived at our table,

me and Rachel looked up from our


   "Rosie?" We gasped.

    And..... thats the end! Cliffhanger! 

I know it's probably not long but peace! Horsepassion

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