kCh. 5

151 8 3

 She pried open an eyelid, glancing at the blaring clock. 2:30. Why the fudge had she set the alarm for 2:30? Gosh. She was just so tired. Maybe just a few more minutes.

  Then, she remembered. Her first show! As part of the Elite anyways. 2 hours in a van until they stopped for snacks and a bathroom break and then another hour until the show. She jumped up. She needed to groom Star, take a shower, pack her bag, clean her saddle, and be outside by 4:30! She hoped she didn't wake anyone up as she ran towards the bathroom.

    The hot water cascaded over her, making her more tired rather than awake and she pulled the lever to cold. She slathered on cherry scented shampoo and grape-fruit conditioner. Hopping out after scrubbing herself from the chest down, she wrapped up in a towel and,carefully plugged in her straightener. She left the bathroom and went to her closet and drawers. She (ahem) got out her undergarments and show clothes. She pulled on a StoneRidge t-shirt, a pair of jeans, her boots, and a sweatshirt. She layed out her show-clothes on her bed. She grabbed a thin white sweater and packed her book, National Velvet, her phone, and her wallet for snacks at the gas station. She quickly folded her show clothes and put the bag up on her shoulder. A water-bottle from the mini-fridge in her room snuck it's way into her bag.  She practically ran out the door to the stables as it was almost 6:30 and she had to groom, and get him ready to load into the trailer.

  When she got to the barn, however, she saw Falenn up and grooming her horse.

   "Someone's an early riser."

   "I could say the same for you." She chuckled.

   "What time did you wake up?" Falenn asked.

   "Around 4:30. Total killer. I know. The other shows won't be like this though. They will be closer to home. Atleast within an hours driving range and they start around afternoon."

   "That's good. I need all the sleep I can get."

      "Haha. Me too."

"Wanna come with me to hose down these horses? I don't want to go alone. It's kindof dark out there." Falenn shrugged the jacket on her shoulders tighter.

  "Sure. So Falenn, how old are you?"

  "I turn 14 in about 3 months. My mom said she would try and get me a birthday horse but I wouldn't put it past her to actually do it. She is really forgetful. What about you?"

  "I turned 13 a few weeks ago. Where did you used to live before you came here?"

   "The greater Alberta area in Canada."

  "Oh. I heard it's really pretty up there. I live in Pensylvania. My mom, my dad, my sister and 2 brothers in a 3 bedroom house. Man, am I glad to have my own private bath here. My sister spent hours in the bathroom every single morning. I might spend an hour in the bathroom putting on make-up or doing my hair but that's it. She did like everything in the bathroom it seemed. Texting her boyfriend, doing her homework. It was just evry morning 50 million pounding fists on the door telling her to hurry up. Who do you live with?"

   "Well, aren't you a talker? I lived with my mom and baby brother, who would be two now. My dad left when I was about 10. We barely talk anymore."

   "I'm sorry..." She spoke.

   "Don't be. He was mean. If I made a B- minus on a test he told me I had to do better and then just unspeakable things.  But, in truth, I really could have done better on that assigment. I still love him and all but things are different now. In a better sort of different."

   "It's good that you think that way. My cousin got bullied really bad her last year of high school and ended up in a psychiatric institute."

  "Wow. " Falenn said, pulling up short by the cross-ties.

  "She's getting better though. They might release her over christmas or summer vacation."

    She turned the nossle on the hose on and begina gentle mist over Star's body. The dust turned to the color of his golden coat. Puddles washed through the floor drain. She slowly turned off the water and said, "So how do you like it here?"

   "I like it."

   "That's good."

   They finished up with the brushes and seeing the sun beginning to peek over the horizon, rushed back towards the barn.

  "So, Falenn, why are you in 7th grade instead of 8th?"

  "Eh. I failed kindergarten and had to repeat it all over."

   "That would suck."

   "Nah. I needed it. I'm dyslexic and I would have failed 1st grade had I not gotten held back in kindergarten."

   "Oh. So reading is hard for you?"

     "Not as much now. My family really helped me. I guess that is why my dad acted that way."

   "yeah. Maybe..."

    They got back to the barn and started getting tack. Falenn muffled a shout.

  "What is it?" She asked.

    "My wraps are ruined!"

      Indeed, her wraps were in ruins. They were stripped to pieces in her cubby-hole.

   "We should tell someone."

   "No! The last time this happened, they made the entire team focus on repsponsibility and teamwork. It -from what I've heard- was torture. We cannot tell. Ok?"

  "Alright.... I think I got extra, just in case though."

   She dug through her box and found the wraps. Pretty soon, everyone was ready and they were all loading up horses, people, and gear into the trailer and van. They pulled away from campus at 8:00 sharp. She started to nod off after they approached the onramp to the highway.

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