Chapter 7

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     She stood in the dressage ring, as Mr. Groffman screamed at them.

    "None of you understand a basic move of dressage? You looked perfect in the videos you sent in!! Why? What's happening here? Tell me." 

    A shy, black haired girl, at the back spoke up, "Be-Be-Because we aren't on our horses..?"

   "If that's the case, then we will start with the basic move. Everyone, medium walk. Now. Wide circles."

We all obeyed walking in large ovals around him.

 "I said a circle! Not an egg! A circle! This isn't pre-school people!"

  She flinched at his harsh tone. Normally, he was way cheery. She wondered what was wrong with him. 

    They fixed their 'circle' and  he called for a canter. They obliged.

  As they cantered, Star's gait lasped and faltered.

    "Easy, boy. Easy."

   His leg wrap had come un-done. She pulled back on the reins and he stopped. She bent over as far as she dared, and snipped it back on. She resumed the canter as if she had never stopped.

  "Good. Good. Now, I want to see a perfect piaffe with a half-pass." 

     She performed. Hopefully, she wondered what she was doing wrong.

   "Good. Thank you. See! This is what I want. Now, can we please focus on our current dressage routines."

   "Yes, sir." We mumbled.

    "Calli. Your up first. I want to see your full routine from the beginning. The rest of you line up on the outside fence."

   We all did as directed. We felt somber and as if we had been thrown from our high horses. (Get it? Just a bit of a bad pun, on my part.)

   I piaffed. I half-passed. I leg yeilded, I extended and collected my walk, trot and canter, piouretted, figure eighted (Did I write that right?) I danced. I frolicked. We worked in perfect harmony. For once, since school had started, it felt like we were 1 thing. 1 living, breathing masterpiece. At it felt... breathtaking and amazing. Finally, I ended in a passage and a piaffe and bowed my head to the imaginary judges. 

   "Beautiful, Calli. Just beautiful. I would like to see that next time."

  "Yes, sir." 

    As everyone else finished their routines, I wondered about all the english homework I should be doing. (Me right now guys. I should be writing a letter for English. I'll do it in a few minutes though.)  We had to read Hamlett, and write a 2 page report on it. (THIS IS NOT MY ASSIGNMENT! Mine is for something not even on the same page, okay?) 

     "Now, girls, none of your routines were perfect. They still have some improvement to be doing. That is what I have been waiting for. I haven't been able to show you what needs improvement until you showed me what you are capable of."

  The bell rang.

 "You are dismissed. Thank you, girls for showing me what you can do." 

   I breathed a sigh of relief at how different his tone was. I left for my next class.






-Horsepassion Who is so happy she strung out two chapters in 1 day....... Yay!! I AM BACK IN THE GAME PEOPLE!!!

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