Ch. 6

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  "And now, Ladies and Gentleman, Calli Rhodes of StoneRidge Academy on Star Song." PA'd the announcer. The course looked simple enough. An single-double combo, an oxer, up and over, hedge, another oxer, then a double and lastly, the wall.

     The buzzer sounded and Star sprang into action. The popped over the first fence, braids flapping. To get over the oxer, he needed 4 full strides, but only took 3 and a half before leaping into the air. He clipped the fence. He pranced for the up-and-over, taking it with centimeters to spare. When she took the hedge it was as if they grew wings, no questions asked. The oxer was taken in stride. The double, his back leg came down and rattled the pole. It popped off the jump cup. They reached the last jump and popped the wall, Star's belly brushing it, and his legs pulling up to get over it. Even with the pole on the double, she ought to at least be in 5th place. Maybe 6th place.

    She dismounted next to Fallenn, and waited for her score.

   "Calli Rhodes has a time of 37 seconds and 1 fault."

  "Yes! Yipee! Yayayayayayayay!!" cheered her team-mate, Jessica.

   She looked at StoneRidge's placing on the board. StoneRidge- 3rd place.

   Everyone left to get ready for her round. She tied Star to the trailer and brushed off some dust and fed him a apple slice from her bag.

     "Coach," she started, "When will they scores for my division be announced?"

  "I'd say in about 20 minutes. They still have 3 more competitors and the stable they are from beat us last year. Suprisingly."

    "Oh, and by the way,  that double had to be the easiest jump on the course. What happened out there?"

   "I didn't collect him soon enough and that made his take-off sloppy which set him up for the jump wrong."

    "At least you can admit you were the cause. Girls blame it on the horse. And, I see what happens out in that arena. I'm not blind."

   "Will we have to get up this early for any other shows?"

   "Not that I know of. And remember, everyone competes not just the competition team."

  "I know."

   "Now, go get ready. They should be announcing your ribbons soon. Let's hope you place. But, it's pretty sure you'll place. Don't dissappoint me."

  "Yes, mam."

    She went up and pulled her hair back into a loose pony-tail. She landed in the saddle with a plop. She rode towards the ring at a loose, sloppy, walk.

   "Can we have all Novice open-jumper candidates gather in Ring C for the Ribbon Ceremony, please?"

   She entered the ring and was directed where to stand.

  "In 6th place, we have Rosie Gonzales."

  "In 5th place, we have Courtney Smith."

 "In 4th place we have Calli Rhodes."

   She was handed a yellow ribbon.

  "in 3rd place, Josie Garcens."

  "In second place, Tony Rodriques."

"And in first place......... Mario Tostidos! Thank you all for coming out today! Have a safe journey home."

    Everyone gathered in the van as they drove off from the fair grounds and to the nearest restaurant -Marcell's.

     They sat at a huge table, as girls alternated going to the bathroom to get changed back into street clothes.

  "Girls! For your first show we brought back 2 4th place ribbons, 3 3rd, 5 second and 2 first. I'm proud of you! We couldn't have a better team."

   We all ordered our food and went over everything that had happened that day and how happy we would be to get back into our beds and sleep. It was 5:30 at night and I was wide awake with a under-lying yawn.  



   So, did you like it? I can't believe I atually wrote this chapter. I guess all it takes it a bit of a boring science test to get my juices flowing. No, really. I got bored after taking the test while reading, so I started thinking of the best way to start this chapter and I finally hit a positive cord. Anyways... Comment, vote and fan!!! I love you all!


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