Stay Young, Go Dancing

923 36 16

November 24, 2016

The scenery whipped by and with every passing stop light we drew closer to uncertain doom. Ok that's a little dramatic, but I was definitely nervous. My hands were shaking and all I could think about was how much I needed a smoke.

"I'm gonna throw up." I told her to which she laughed, but reached over and grabbed my hand, reassuring me that I would be fine. I leaned back and looked out the window, taking in the familiar roads, signs and buildings. Every little landmark brought me a sense of nostalgia. Just seeing the simple things again was weird. Being here felt like yesterday and a lifetime ago.

"Am I an asshole?" I asked out of nowhere.

"What prompted this question?"

"Like I'm just showing up. I didn't even call first."

"Didn't Nate text you not long ago? Something along the lines of 'If you want to come home for thanksgiving you're welcome to. We miss you and want to know you're okay'?"

"Well, yeah, but-" She gave me the look so I sighed and gave up.

We pulled into the driveway behind three cars I recognized as my mom's, dad's and brother's. "Guess there's no turning around now, huh?"

"Nope. Now c'mon." She cocked her head to the side, gesturing for us to get out of the car.

"Should I knock... or?"

She laughed and put her hoodie in the trunk, exchanging it for a jacket. "You're not a guest or some extended relative ya know."

I was about to respond when the front door opened and Josh stepped onto the porch. "L?" He quickly made his way toward me and engulfed me in a hug. "You have no idea how happy I am to see you." He let go after a few moments and suprise registered on his face. He stepped around me and I turned to see him hug Alexa. I stifled a laugh as she awkwardly patted his back. Typical. She did give me a shitty limp hug when we first met. Now however, her affection was reserved for me. Oh how far we'd come.

His usual dumb cheeky grin was replaced by a very genuine smile and I could see the kindness in his blue eyes. I could tell the question on his mind, but he didn't ask. He didn't need to. Lex and I being here together was all the answer he needed.

The house smelled amazing already. "Food's almost ready." Nate told us as we made our way toward the kitchen.

"Who are you talking to?" A voice asked from around the corner.

"Dad." Nate spoke.

"What?" He had his back to us and his apron on.

"Turn around."

"Boy can't you see I'm cooking? What do you need? I'm busy." He waved his sauce baster around and I couldn't help but laugh a little. At the sound he dropped it and spun around.

I shut my eyes as he hugged me tightly. He smelled like aftershave and paprika. "You too Alexa." He held one arm out for her to join our hug. "I have no doubt you're the reason my little girl is here." He told her. "I can't thank you enough for taking care of her."

"No need to thank me for something that comes as naturally as breathing."

I looked at her adoringly. How the actual fuck did I get so lucky?

"Did I hear someone at the door?" My mom wondered from the hallway. She stopped in her tracks when she saw me and opened her mouth like a fish a few times. I was unsure of what to say too, but Nate walked in and spoke for us.

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