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Chapter 1:

Percy's POV

"Wonderful." I muttered, "Another great prophecy to be a part of. Just wonderful."

Everyone around me was discussing the prophecy, while I was thinking more about the prophecy itself. I hated prophecies! They usually end up in one or multiple of my friends getting killed!


I jumped, and looked to my right to see Annabeth, breathing heavily, and looking none too pleased.

"Pay attention while we go over the prophecy!" She shouted.

"Ok, ok. Sheesh, Annabeth. There's no reason to scream." I playfully glared, and she smirked.

"I got your attention, didn't I?" I nodded. "Good. Now, let's get this war council started."

I couldn't help but smile. Sitting in our rec room in the apartment building, at a ping-pong table, with crackers and cheese whiz, all the demigods felt right at home.

"The seven, the Godlings, the Gods, the foe. That obviously refers to who is going. But are the Gods coming with us, or are they simply just guiding our journey?" Reyna trailed off, deep in thought.

It was obvious to all of us that Reyna and Annabeth were leading the meeting, especially since Annabeth picked up right where Reyna left off.

"As well, which Gods are they? Greek, Roman or Egyptian?"

Frank stood. "It's obviously not the Roman Gods. They are not permitted at all to even visit us demigods, let alone help us on a quest."

"Greek Gods are not allowed to help us either on quests, although I can't say I've never seen them help."

"Very true Percy." Annabeth said.

"I'm not done. I don't think it particularly matters which Gods, or why. That will come along the way. It's the foe I'm worried about. We're going to have to travel with a foe, and none of us know who that foe is. It could be like the Prophecy of Seven, with the foe being our enemies, or perhaps there's a spy amongst us."

Everyone looked at one another, then looked back very quickly.

"Anyone have any ideas about the other lines?" Annabeth asked, scanning the room.

Leo raised his hand.

"Yes Leo?" Annabeth called.

"I have no clue!"

He then sat back down looking pleased with himself, and most of us couldn't help but chuckle. Ah, Leo. Always trying to brighten the mood.

Reyna didn't seem to agree, as she glared at him. "I don't know what any of the other lines mean, but we follow the setting sun. The sun-"

"-sets in the West!" Annabeth finished.

Both girls smiled at each other, and Sadie rose from her seat.

"So, we have two lines. I suppose we come up with the others along the way?"

"Duh. Even if we did have a plan, it would never work. Improvisation is the best way to survive!" I shouted.

Everyone shook their heads.

"Of course you would say that, Percy." Piper said.

"Well, we have all we need to know." I countered. "We know who's going, and in what direction. I say we all head out here, get some rest tonight, and get moving tomorrow."

"Just one small problem, children." Chiron said, startling us all. I had forgotten he was here. "How do you propose nine demigods and four magicians travel without being attacked by numerous monsters?"

"Dam. Ha, dam." Most of the room rolled their eyes. "I didn't think about that."

Everyone sat for a few minutes deep in thought, before I had an absolutely brilliant idea. "We don't." I voiced.

The entire room turned to look at me, as if I were insane.

"What do you mean, Percy?" Jason asked.

"I mean exactly that. We have nine demigods and four magicians. We should be able to hold them off. " People around me muttered that I was crazy. "Besides, what choice do we have?" I added.

"All in favour?" Annabeth asked.

Everyone raised their hands.

"All right." Reyna said. "We leave tomorrow at dawn."

The rest of the day was spent packing, and that night, I could barely get any sleep. I kept thinking about the prophecy, mainly the last line. 'To the endless darkness, the very last day.'

Does that mean the world will end, and there won't be another day? Or did it mean something else, something... worse? Either way, it didn't sound good.

Somehow, I managed to drift off to sleep, only to be awoken the next morning by Sadie, who woke up with a terrified shriek.

"Sadie, what is it?" Carter asked, worry for his sister clearly etched out on his face.

"They - they - they..." she started.

"What?" Carter asked. "What is it?!" He shouted.

"They took him!" Sadie yelled.

Carter looked confused. "Who? Who took who?"

"Some monsters! They took him!" Sadie repeated.

Walt crouched down next to her and put his hand on her shoulder. "Who'd the monsters take?"

"Felix. They took Felix."

-Miranda and Andrea, A.K.A. Miranda_Lew and SilentHuntress24

Percy Jackson And The Kane Chronicles:The JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now