The Dream

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Chapter 2: 

'What the heck was that?' Was the only thought running through my head. The redheaded girl had spewed green gas out of her mouth, and all the demigods had acted as if it were normal, muttering things about prophecies, the fates, and Apollo.

"What just happened?" I cried, impatiently tapping my foot on the floor.

Annabeth explained to me about prophecies, the Fates, and that Rachel was an oracle. All I could think was, 'Why is my life so messed up? Why can't I just get a gods damned break!

Alas, the Gods and "The Fates", as the demigods had said, just hated me. How else could you explain why my life was so weird? Sad thing is, that's not the weirdest thing ever. I mean, my brother did name a monster a Leroy, and he did have a pet griffin named Freak, plus, both of us shared bodies with thousand year old, all-powerful Gods, and my brother was a Pharaoh.

My attention snapped back to the conversation at hand, where we were discussing the prophecy around a ping-pong table. At the moment, we were discussing the first line, trying to decide who would come on the quest. It was really the part about "The Gods" that tripped up most of us, but I had a sneaking suspicion I knew who the Gods were. I just prayed that I was wrong.

As the meeting dragged on, I found myself going in and out of focus. I know, I know, I probably should have been paying closer attention, but it was SO-O-O-O boring! Finally, I felt Walt's hand on mine, and it snapped me back into focus, where they were now discussing what the setting sun meant.

I found myself rising from my seat and asking if we would just come up with everything else along the way (my favourite way to go about quests and possible fatal mission, really), and I gained even more respect for Percy when he said improvising was the best way to stay alive.

I caught Carter shaking his head out of the corner of my eye, and I realized he was probably not happy about improvising. He liked to plan for everything, which by now I he should have realized only gets us into more trouble (and gets him mercilessly teased by me, but I digress).

As soon as our meeting ended, all of the magicians took a portal back to Brooklyn House (the Greek Gods had enough sense to put an Egyptian artifact on a balcony), where we packed, and said goodbye to all of our initiates.

I rescued some of Felix's penguins from the fireplace (he was not too pleased, and as punishment, covered the room in snow, ice, and frost), before opening up another portal back to the apartment building.

That night, my Ba decided it wanted to take yet another trip, and without my special pillow to keep it in place, off on a trip it went!

Arriving in a room that could only be Felix's (due to the sheer number of penguins waddling around), I wondered why I was there. That was until I heard the scream.

I knew right then and there, I would never get that scream out of my head. Filled with pure torture, sheer agony, and waves of fear, I felt paralyzed. My legs (well chicken floating legs) wouldn't move, and my blood froze, as there, being pulled out of the window by his leg, was Felix.

Young, sweet, innocent Felix, who had already seen too much death and destruction for his age, was covered in scratches, cuts, gashes, and blood. So much blood. Dried and flaking off. Wet and running. Leaving pools and stains on the floor, marking exactly where his right leg had been on his bed, a layer of it stuck in his hair.

Finally, I found myself able to move. I focused on the creature that had Felix by the leg. It was a black dog, as dark as night, with eyes glowing red, redder than Felix's blood, flowing from it's maw. A placed it as a Hellhound, a creature of destruction and death that the demigods had explained to us about.

Beside the Hellhound was a snake like creature. With green scales that glittered in the moon light, and a larger forked tongue that slid out every few seconds.

"The Godling is in the room!" It hissed, it's voice low and raspy.

"Yes I am!" I shouted, my chicken body shaking in pure rage. "Now, you're going to leave him here. And as a gift for doing so, I'll give you something you need desperately." The creature leaned in. "A cough drop!"

The snake laughed a laugh that ruffled my feathers (STUPID CHICKEN BODY!), and rivaled that of a gas pipe leaking. "Foolish girl! You think I would leave him for a simple cough drop? No! If you want him back without a cut on his little face, you will do as I say, and follow through with the quest I know you're doubting."

A look of shock momentarily replaced my look of rage, and that was enough time for the snake to know he struck a nerve. "Yes, dear, I know about your doubts. You think this is a fool's quest. You want to stay here in your precious nome, safe and sound, with that boyfriend of yours. What was his name, Walt? Yes, that sounds right."

"Don't even touch Walt!" I shouted through clenched teeth.

"Oh, I see I've struck a nerve. Just heed my warning, Sadie Kane. If you don't follow through with this quest, and become too stubborn for your own good, not only will this nice child come back in pieces, never to see the light of day again, everyone you care about will too!"

With that last threat, Felix was dragged at the window, and I screamed as loud as I could, waking myself up.

Carter rushed to my side, worry evident on his features. "Sadie, what is it?" he asked.

"They - they - they..." I started

"What?" Carter asked. "What is it?" He shouted.

"They took him!" I yelled

Carter looked confused. "Who? Who took who?"

"Some monsters! They took him!" I repeated.

Walt crouched down next to me and put his hand on my shoulder, settling me down, and brining me back to my own sense. "Who'd the monsters take?" He gently repeated.

"Felix. They took Felix."

-Miranda and Andrea, A.K.A. Miranda_Lew and SilentHuntress24

Percy Jackson And The Kane Chronicles:The JourneyOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara