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Chapter 3

Carter's POV:

I'm worried about my sister. Now, I know that Sadie can be really annoying sometimes, (and by sometimes I mean 99% of the time), and yes I complain about her all the time, but she is still my sister. And while magicians have dreams all time, (or ba trips, as we like to call them), that we wake up from gasping for breath and making sure we are safe in our nomes, Sadie looked down right terrified. Whatever could make Sadie, my sister who rushes up glowing evil pyramids and makes games out of hitting demons with a nasty limousine driven by an admittedly ugly yet somewhat loveable dwarf in the demon's home court, I did not want to meet.

"Come on Sadie. You've got to be kidding me." I said, hoping she would just shout 'ha ha, you fell for it!', but knowing at the same time that this was not something she would joke about. "Oh come on!" I continued. "The twenty-first nome is so heavily protected, there's no way a monster could get in!"

Sadie looked at me, and I saw her eyes glisten with unshed tears. Slowly, one tear, a single tear, leaked out of the corner of her right eye, trailing down her cheek, following her jawline until dripping onto the floor. More continued to fall, and I knew that she wasn't messing with me. I don't think I've seen Sadie cry in years. She didn't cry the time she stubbed her toe on a railing and broke it (klutz), or the time she walked into a wall while trying to decipher some hieroglyphics (oblivious), or even the time she was staring at Walt, tripped over a shoe, and fell down four flights of stairs (love-struck).

Sadie only confirmed by suspicion by saying, "I'm serious". Her voice shook in a way I didn't even know it could. Suddenly, a look of horror seemed to cross her face, as she appeared to make another realization. "The prophecy." She whispered, and I felt my blood freeze in my veins. "Following the ice, the frost, the cold, the snow. The prophecy. It refers to Felix."

My jaw dropped, and next to Sadie, Walt's eyes bulged.

"No way. It can't mean Felix. It can't, can it?" Walt asked, obviously knowing the answer. He was a smart guy; he could put two and two together.

There was a long pause, where no one spoke; until Sadie decided to break it. "I suppose it makes sense." She finally muttered, her voice no longer shaky, but instead cold and steely. All her sadness and had turned to anger, and her voice was a voice a pure fury.

Walt, sensing she was going to blow, slid his arm around her shoulder and pulled her in close to him. I could see her visibly relax, though she was still shaking from all her pent up anger.

"Who's Felix?" Percy suddenly asked, entering the room and pulling me from my own little world that consisted of Sadie, Walt, Zia (though she wasn't really talking, more just listening and looking thoughtful), and I.

"He's a magician who loves ice and snow elemental magic, as well as penguins. He's been at Brooklyn House for a little while now, and he's basically family to us." Zia explained

You could tell Sadie was about to break down again, as her fury slowly ebbed away. It's sad, seeing my strong, independent, fearlessly reckless sister like this, holding back tears while burying her face in Walt's chest as he stroked her back and whispered soothing words. I hated seeing Sadie like this.

"So the prophecy means...we'll be following Felix?" asked Percy.

I looked at my fellow magicians -my sister, my girlfriend, my sister's boyfriend/my best friend- and collectively, we all sighed, "Yes."

-Miranda and Andrea, A.K.A. Miranda_Lew and SilentHuntress24  

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