Hansel & Gretel

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Chapter 6:

Annabeth's POV

My head whipped behind me, and before I could even draw my weapon, I saw a flash of red, and I was out cold.

I don't know how long it took before I came to. Immediately, though, I felt the bonds that tied me to the chair, and, ever so slowly, much too slowly in my opinion, I opened one eye, then the other. I was sitting at a wood table, cherry oak, by the looks of it, with my friends and the girl, Miranda as well.

My eyes slowly adjusted to the light, and I got my first look at my surroundings.

Something's not right, I thought. I thought I was going crazy. Everything, and I mean everything, appeared as if it was made from candy. The table I originally thought was cherry oak wood was actually cherry coke candy. The chair I was tied to was made of chocolate. The rope was made of black liquorice, for Gods sakes! There was even a small oven in the corner that appeared to be made out of pure black candy rocks! Where are we?

Standing in front of the was a women, maybe around thirty, if I had to guess, with an outfit that looked like its meant for a stereotypical witch. Black hat, black robes, even a chocolate broomstick! Her face was painted with chipping green paint, and her eyes were red, the same colour as the red of the strawberry flavoured skittles making up part of the floor.

"Am I ever glad you woke up, little onessss." The way her tongue flicked between her lips, and she drew out her 's', made me think of snakes.

"What's your name?" Miranda shouted, and I could feel the anger radiating off of her in waves.

"Don't you know? Names our powerful little one!" the witch said, and a low growl, almost animal like, came out of Miranda's throat.

The witch slinked through the room, and I couldn't help but notice, her eyes, black, beady eyes, looked like the eyes of a cobra. And the way she slinked through the room made me think of a slithering snake, moving around it's prey, waiting to attack.

"Oh, what would it really hurt to tell you? My name is Dalila. Dalila Crimson." She smirked.

"Okay. Now, Dalila, you seem like a nice, intersting, if not slightly candy obsessed person, and I'm just wondering, what exactly do you want with us?" Percy asked, trying to sound casual.

"What a funny question."

"Doesn't seem that hilarious to me." Miranda muttered, and Dalila shot her a glare.

" Why, I'm going to eat you, of course!" Dalila said, as if it were totally normal and expected. Now, if she were a monster, that would make sense, but she looked like a mortal. Which begs the question, how exactly did she knock us all out and move us?I exchanged glances with Piper and Percy, who both looked just as confused as I felt. "And you know what?" Dalila asked, pulling me from thoughts. "I'm going to start with you." She pointed to Miranda. "The one with the bad attitude."

"So, like, Hansel and Gretel style? Cuz, personally, I don't want to be cooked."

"I'm cool with it! In fact, I've tried cooking myself plenty of times!" Leo piped up.

"I don't know about them" Percy continued, shooting Leo a glare, "but I don't want you cooking me the same way you cooked up Hansel and Gretel."

Dalila hissed. "DO NoT CONFUSE ME WITH MY SISTER!" Dalila exploded, the candy in her hands flying all over the room.

"Wait, slow your roll, lady. Your sister is the witch from Hansel and Gretel? That's a real thing?" Leo asked.

"Yes, boy." Dalila huffed. " And it's not fair! She gets all the attention! She simply just kidnaps two lost little kids, and tries to cook them! I capture and kidnap thirteen kids, and no one has even noticed yet!"Annabeth think. What do you know? I thought to myself. Ok, you're dealing with a cannibalistic witch who seeks attention. She somehow managed to capture and knock out all of you without laying a hand on you, so she must be powerful. She took your weapons, so you're defenseless. What do you do? I looked around the room, trying to look for anything I can use to my advantage, and I see that she put our weapons on the counter. Hansel and Gretel. I think. They killed the witch by burning her. I need to stall for more time.

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