The Girl

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Chapter 5:

Annabeth's POV

I still feel bad about making Sadie mad, wait, actually, scratch that, MURDEROUS. I honestly thought she would kill me. I understand my word choice was poor, but I really didn't plan for her to react the way she did, and believe me, I plan for almost everything.

We just landed our selected rides and judging from the look Sadie was giving me, I don't think she's quite forgiven me. When she asked why we had stopped, and I gave the answer that the pegasi were tired, the tension was so thick we could have cut it with my dagger. My dagger was not what cut the tension, though. It was Percy, and not with Riptide, by looking like an idiot and shouting "AND FOR FOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!". We went outside the little building we landed on, and might I just say the view was amazing. The skyline of Pittsburg was beautiful, and there were so many buildings with unique architectural designs, but, sadly, we didn't have time for me to really admire the view.

Down the street, there was this cute little diner. It looked like one of those old 80's diners, and, we walked in we were hit with the amazing smell of food, exactly like I had imagined an old diner smelling like, although Jason pointed out it could be a trap, and I silently agreed. You never know with demigods.

There was only one waiter and a girl that looked to be around 14 in the entire restaurant which was a little, ok very, odd.

"Hey do you guys see that girl?" Percy asked, pointing to the girl in the cornerm, "She seems pretty upset, want to go see what's wrong?" Percy asked.

We all looked at each other "Why not." we said in unison.

We all started walking to the girl with Percy in the lead. She seemed to be having some internal debate with herself when we asked if we could sit with her. Eventually, she sighed and let us sit with her.

Percy started to introduce us all, and she didn't look up one. I could tell Piper was getting annoyed. Since that time with the Ares statue, we could kind of read each other's expressions.

"What's your name?" Piper asked.

Finally, finally, she looked up. To say what I saw came as a shock would be a major understatement. I thought I could scare people with my eyes, but her eyes were blood red and seemed to glow. It took most of m power to not draw my dagger and point it at her.

"Miranda" she finally said. "My names Miranda..."

"Your eyes." Nico croaked.

"Hmm. What abou- oh" I looked to my left to Leo with a mirror in his hand, and the girl -Miranda- staring into it. "I didn't realize they were doing that. Sorry, I've just been pretty angry lately. I can't control them."

Then her eyes started fading into a different shade of red, and they stopped glowing.

"That's, um, cool?" Jason said questioningly.

I needed to know how that worked. "How can you do that? The only time I've ever seen that happen was with monsters."

" Well, whether or not I'm a monster depends on what you think a monster is. What would your definition of a monster be?" Miranda questioned.

"Umm, sharp teeth, red eyes, and out to kill us." Percy supplied.

"Okay then, I'm not a monster." Miranda smiled. "Anyways what brings you nine demigods, four magicians and-" Miranda frowned then turned to the magicians "wait is one of you hosting a god?"

"I am." Walt confessed. "But wait, how do you know about demigods, magicians, and one of hosting a god?"

"That's not important." I frowned at her dodgy response.

"Anyways, you never answered my question. Why are you here?" She repeated.

I knew it wasn't smart to give too much away, so I gave a simple answer. "We're on a quest."

Miranda looked at all of us, almost as if she was sizing us up. "But doesn't a quest only have 3 people?"

"Different circumstances. This is a little bit more of a-"

"-Complicated quest?" Miranda finished, leaving a flabbergasted Piper.

"How do you do that?" I asked Miranda

"Finishing sentences like that?" I nodded. "I just guess from the knowledge around me."

"Ok? But what are you doing in this diner?" Nico asked.

"I was just going to grab something to eat before you guys came, but now I'm thinking you should look behind you, and I should high tail it out of this diner."

"What?" I asked, turning around. Almost all of us gasped, and drew our weapons

  "Well, well, well, if it isn't a group of delicious demigods. Glad you decided to join me for lunch, though I'm afraid that the red eyed girl doesn't have enough meat on her bones for me, so thank you for expanding my meal!" 

-Miranda and Andrea, A.K.A. Miranda_Lew and SilentHuntress24 

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