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Scene 17 - nothing big. 10:27 am. Tomlinson-Johnson house. Santa Cruz, California.


"Wake up, Louis!" I hear Shane scream into my ear.

"What do you want?" I mumble back and cover my face in my blanket. He has the windows open and it's blinding my eyes.

"What has you so tired? My god, you act like you went out last night. It's ten thirty, you're usually up at like eight." Shane scoffs. "Fine. Don't get up voluntarily, I'll do my worst."

"No, Shane, all I want is sleep, please no." I whine from the bed, trying to prepare for his worst. He's done this ever since we were kids.

"I'm sorry, Louis." He lays on top of me, positioning his butt over my face.

"No! Shane stop! Auntie!" I yell. "Fine! I'll get up, just don't do it!"

"I'm already here. It would be inappropriate not to follow through." Shane chuckles.

"Okay, just do it and get it over with." I say after a few seconds.

"I can't, I uh, don't have one coming." He says slowly.

"God, get off me then you fat ass." I say and shove Shane off of me.

He laughs as he hits the floor, probably at my tired and frustrated face. "Okay, now that you're up, we're going to see Harry."

Great. "Why?" I ask. He has work today? He was up until four thirty, though. Maybe I can find an excuse not to see him. It's not that I don't like to see Harry, or that I'm not actually dying to see him, but that maybe my feelings are getting too strong and trying to talk to him normally and not touch him in front of everyone will be hard.

"Just because. And don't try to get out of it, you're coming. Are you going to wear that? Because we're leaving like now." Shane says.

"No, just wait five minutes. I'll be ready." I say and stand up. I throw on an easy outfit, a maroon shirt that goes to my elbows and black jeans.

I run to the bathroom, brush my teeth, fix my hair, pee, and run back downstairs to throw on my vans.

"Four minutes and thirty two seconds. You're lucky, boy." Shane says as he sits on the chair next to the door.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes and walk out of the door, Shane follows.

"So, how was last night?" Shane asks as we walk.

"What?" I look at him, shocked. "Um, I slept well, you know, the usual, because I am a really good sleeper and all."

"Louis, I'm not that stupid. I know you left. I always wake up at like three to get some food. It's weird my body just like wakes up."

"That is weird." I say and furrow my eyebrows.

"Anyway, that's beside the point, how was Harry?"

"How do you know I was with Harry?" I ask him. I get that he would know I was gone, but why such specific details? Shane's not even that bright.

"I didn't until now. But if it was anyone else you would've told me. Now how was it, you ass?" He persists.

"Fun. We just talked about stuff. Light stuff, though. Nothing big." I explain. I'm not telling my cousin that I gave his best friend a blowjob.

"Sounds fun." He winks at me. What is with him today?

"What's that? What are you winking at me for, fatso?" I say in a prissy tone.

"Nothing." He giggles. "'Nothing big.'"

"Oh my god, die, rat." I cover my face with my hands. "Harry can't know you know, okay?"

"As long as you keep me updated. No secrets, and I'll keep it a secret." He smiles.

"Fine." I say reluctantly as we approach the pizza parlor. I'd rather not share Harry and I's relationship status with my cousin, but I guess I have to.


Scene 18 - because i don't sleep. 11:02 am. Pizza My Heart. Santa Cruz, California.


"Hazza!" Shane yells as we enter the parlor. We find a bored looking Harry, who also looks to be half asleep, cheeks slumping, eyes saggy and half shut, cute, plump lips carelessly parted.

"Oh, hey bud." Harry answers, looking up from his cheeks place in his palm, positioning his shoulders.

"You look tired." Shane says with a fake pout. I guess he's doing well at hiding what he knows, it's not too far off from his normal self.

"Yeah. Long night." Harry lazily winks at me. I roll my eyes. Shane smiles fondly.

"Alright, well I think Beck and Aaron are here. I'm going to go check. Louis, you stay here and keep Harry awake." Shane instructs and leaves the inside of the restaurant.

"You had work today? My god, you could've chosen a day you didn't have to get up at eight in the morning to fall asleep at four." I lecture Harry.

"I actually didn't sleep." Harry responds blandly. "Haven't slept in two days."

"Yikes, why?"

"Because I don't sleep." He looks up at me with his green eyes. They stab my soul every time, I swear to god.

"Oh. I don't sleep much either, just can't calm my brain down, I guess. Thoughts are too distracting. I usually find myself nosing around in other people's business in the late hours of the night." I try to chuckle.

"Me too." He sighs. "You look cute today."

"Wish I could say the same for you." I tease and jump over the small door to get behind the cash register.

"Aw, c'mon, Lou." He smiles, gently nudging me.

"Lou?" I like that. Sounds cute, like relationship cute, if you know what I mean.

"Like it?" He asks sweetly, grabbing my hips gently and smiling down at me.

"I like it, probably too much." I chuckle and place my hands on his collar. "Say it again."

"Lou." Harry swiftly flips us over so we aren't visible to the costumers anymore, we're in the back now. "Lou, Lou, Lou." He leaves little, sweet kisses down my neck. "Lou looks cute today." Harry speaks into my collar bone, tickling it.

"I'm climaxing." I giggle up to the ceiling.

Harry moves his lips off of my neck. Our faces are lined up now, noses tapping. He doesn't say anything, he just smiles a big smile at me.

The only thing I want to do is peck his cute little lips, so I do. I kiss him further this time.

Harry smiles into it, but locks our lips again. These kisses are cute and tender, my favorite.

"Harry? Louis?" I hear Aaron ask.

Harry looks at me with a smirk and wide eyes. A small giggle escapes his lips, and we return to the front desk.

"Was just showing Lou a little tour of the back." Harry explains to Aaron. Stupid lie, but whatever, Aaron's not too smart.

"I didn't get a tour of the back." Aaron pouts. "Anyway, Beck and Shane are making out so I felt it was appropriate to leave them alone."

The conversation continues but all I want to do is place my hand on Harry's, but lord knows I won't. I'm too afraid of his reaction.


double update :))

sorry this was so short, but 1.1k is alright. every chapter doesn't need to be 2k+

thank you for voting :)

- c

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