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Scene 26 - oh, so you're into prostitution? Pizza My Heart. 7:10 pm. Santa Cruz, California.


"I swear, just friends!" I yell at Kenna. Her and Aaron have been quizzing me about Harry and I's talk all day. Everyone's coming over to Kenna's after Harry gets off his shift. It starts at 7:00 so I'm not sure why he isn't here, but then again, he is Harry. When is he ever on time. "And stop asking, he'll probably walk in any second."

"He didn't mean just friends, he meant friends with benefits who keep it quiet." Aaron takes a big, greasy bite of cheese pizza.

"How are you not obese?" Kenna looks at him in disbelief. She's right, he eats like a ninja turtle times ten. Aaron just shrugs and shoves a face full into his mouth again.

"Here he comes." Kenna looks over me and at the small, red door, I turn my head in the same direction and he throws a small smirk at us.

"That was totally for you." Kenna chuckles. Aaron nods in agreement.

"Shut up." I say and begin to stand up. "I'm going to go say hi to my friend. Goodbye."

"Correction, you're going to go say hi to your bed buddy." Aaron giggles, Kenna laughs with him as I scoff.

"Yeah, have fun with your rectum mate." Kenna bursts out laughing, as well as Aaron.

"Shut up." I say one last time before walking over to the cash register in my sexiest fashion.

"Hey, best friend." I lean on the counter with a smile on my face. Harry immediately smirks my way.

"I never said anything about best friends." He chuckles and throws me a quick smiley glance. This was going to be hard.

"It's better than 'bed buddy' as Aaron named us." I say as Harry sorts through the money in the register.

"Creative." He giggles. "Aaron! Ten points for creativity." Harry calls at him, he throws his hands up in celebration and begins to brag in Kenna's face about his accomplishments.

"Tell him mine." Kenna yells at me, ignoring Aaron's continuous babbling in her ear.

"Kenna said rectum mates." I shrug, as I know hers is much better than Aaron's.

Harry let's out a loud laugh, a laugh I don't think I've ever heard before. It's sudden and ridiculously high pitched. He adorably covers his mouth afterwards. After he gains his composure he yells, "Kenna kicked your ass."

Kenna begins to throw pizza in the air in celebration before Harry stops her. "I have to clean that up!"

"Since when do you actually do your job?" I asked him, chuckling.

"Since my boss doesn't take seeing me half naked, flipping dough as a good enough a bribe to keep my job." He says seriously.

"Oh." I laugh really loudly. "So, you're into prostitution?"


Scene 27 - she totaled kennas car. Kenna's house. 11:45 pm. Santa Cruz, California.


"Finally, you guys took so long." Kenna groans at Beck. Aaron, Kenna, Harry, and I have been waiting for everyone to arrive at Kenna's house since ten o'clock.

Bad to the Bone // larry 90's auWhere stories live. Discover now