020 | Chapter Twenty

388 31 33

December 5th, 2015

The girls of Halcyon watched as Izumi, Juyeon, and Xhiu performed on stage. It was the day Sohyun left and needless to say—none of them were in the holiday spirit. However, they still put up a smile in front of everyone.

The three girls had finally finished their song and rushed backstage where everyone praised them. It wasn't until the attention died down that they all group hugged and some of them broke into tears.

"No, don't cry!" Sohyun said as she hugged Lin and Sora, even though she herself was crying.

"It's your last day, how can we not?" Sora said into her shoulder as she clutched onto the older girls jacket.

"Don't think of it as our last day," Sohyun said as she hugged her tighter, "More of a long vacation." Sora sighed and released Sohyun who turned to Izumi, Juyeon, and Xhiu. "You three did amazing, I can't wait to see more performances." She smiled as she went and hugged them. She then turned towards Qian and smiled. "Don't give your unnie's a hard time, okay?" She laughed as she pulled her into a hug.

"Yah, don't say your goodbyes just yet, the day isn't even over yet!" Juyeon said as she quickly wiped her tears away.

"She's saying goodbye already?" Someone said from behind the girls, making them all jump. The boys of EXO and SHINee stood behind them.

"Omo~" Sohyun laughed as Tao walked over and hugged her. Sohyun hugged back and pushed him towards Lin. "Keep an eye on her, Zitao." She smiled, Tao nodded and Lin rolled her eyes, pushing him away but then pulling him back again. By now, all of them had caught on and knew Sohyun was leaving. One by one, the boys of EXO and SHINee said their goodbyes.

"I hope this won't be the last we see of you." Kai said with a smile

"It may or may not be, we'll see." Sohyun smiled

"We should have dinner together." Key suggested

"All of us at a table together?" Xhiu laughed, "Quite the group."

"That's like," Juyeon muttered as she counted on her fingers "22 people. It's 22 people."

"Yeah cause they take up all the space." Qian said as she pointed towards the boys of EXO. Everyone laughed and the boys rolled their eyes at the girls.

"10 irresistible boys," Suho grinned

"More like 10 annoying boys." Xhiu mumbled

"What was that?" Kyungsoo questioned

"Oh, nothing!" Xhiu smiled

December 8th, 2015

Three days without Sohyun. That was all it took for each girl to get into the mood of not wanting to do anything. Nobody was up from bed yet, despite it being almost nine in the morning and they had their schedules to do today.

Gayoung walked into the dorm and was surprised to find none of the girls awake, only Izumi was awake and in the living room, staring at the television screen which was blank.

"That's not something you want to see so early." Gayoung chuckled as she sat next to Izumi on the couch.

"I don't know what to do, I'm supposed to be gone today, but I can't leave them like this." Izumi said quietly as she looked over at Gayoung.

She was leaving, just as Sohyun did and she didn't tell anyone but the company.

"They'll understand," Gayoung said

"They'll hate me." She said, "I'm their leader yet here I am leaving them without a word." She exclaimed

"They're not like that and you know it. I'll talk to them." Gayoung assured

"I have all my things packed," Izumi mumbled, her things were near the front door but she had a bag beside her. She turned towards her bag and pulled out six letters. "Give these to them after you tell them everything," Izumi said as she handed Gayoung the cards. Gayoung gingerly took them and noticed the letter on the top had her name on it. "Read it later."

"I will," Gayoung said as she placed the letters in her lap. "Keep in contact, Izumi."

"I will, I promise." Izumi said as she squeezed the older girls hand.


"What?" Xhiu questioned, tears in her eyes. "Why would she leave?" She asked. Asked the question they all wanted to know.

"This isn't real," Lin whispered as she stared down at the letter with her name written on the front in delicate writing. Lin was about to say something again before she burst out into tears, a few of the other members finally letting go as well.

"I don't understand," Sora said as she wiped her tears away, even though they still streamed down her cheeks.

"Two members gone." Qian whispered as she clutched the letter. "There's only five of us, what will we do? Can we even go on like this?"

"I know it'll be hard," Gayoung said, "But don't let this bring you down–"

"Don't let this bring us down? We lost two members! We lost our leader and best dancer!" Lin shouted

"Lin," Juyeon mumbled as she touched the girls arm.

"Who's our leader now? Who will guide us?" Lin questioned

"I'll do it," Xhiu said softly causing everyone to look at her. "I'm the eldest here now, it's only best if I take up the leader role."

"I agree," Sora said, the others nodded in agreement but Lin was silent.

"What about IJX?" Lin questioned

"It'll continue, but a new member will be added and the name will be changed to fit with the new addition." Gayoung replied

"So it's five of us now." Qian sighed yet again, "We'll have to work even harder now." She said, the others nodded in agreement. "Let's just hope we do good."


-kaizar / plsyoongi / jisooahs / tao-fu


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