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As of this day Katie had made 428 paper cranes. The doctor’s say that she’s getting better, that she’s improving but her brain tells her otherwise. Physically she is drained and she is getting weaker each day. In one month since her diagnosis things have been getting worse causing her to make her cranes quicker. To get her wish. She needs it; badly. 

Everyone is starting to believe the very first words that the doctor said, that Katie didn't have long to live and each day she will be getting weaker and weaker. No-one wanted to imagine what was going to happen in the end except for happy thoughts. A nine year old shouldn't have to understand that they’re going to die within a few months, maybe even weeks. No one should have to understand that. But Katie’s family had to face the facts that she wasn’t going to get better. For a while Katie was a tough little cookie and believed that she would survive and live for many years to come, but when the doctors gave up she realised that somehow that dream wasn't possible anymore, that one day she was going to die. 

The only thing that could give this small little girl a tiny glimpse of happiness was for her to make her paper cranes and get her wish. 

    *  *   *

Every person that had come into contact with Katie in the past month couldn’t believe her condition. Nobody thought that Katie deserved this, or anybody for that instance. Gemma couldn't believe that her only sister was going to die in  a very short time. Even though she wasn't very religious she prayed every night that her sister would get better and would be able to live the long life ahead of her. 

At the start of Katie’s diagnosis Gemma, her sister, tried to find out as much information as possible to try and work out a cure or even help the doctors, but it was no luck. Even if she could have worked out a cure the doctors would have done it ages ago. She very quickly realised that Katie would need a miracle to survive. 

Since there was currently no cure and Katie’s time was short, Gemma made sure to be the best sister she could be by giving her as much fun as possible. She and her family made sure to spend every single moment possible with Katie. 

Katie’s one wish was a tough one to get accomplished but Gemma made sure to make it happen. She didn't care if she had to stalk the boys of the band to find their houses to talk to them. Okay, maybe she did mind that part and thought that was going a little far, but she wasn't going to take no for an answer from anyone. People thought that she was crazy and that she wouldn't even be able to get in contact with someone who could organise it, say their management, but she had her ways. 

In the past week Gemma had been ringing every contact that she could think of trying to find some way to find someone who could help her speak to Modest! Management. In the process of working out who to call, Gemma guessed that Modest! would have to be the last resort as they would probably have gotten thousands of calls a day with requests from fans all over the world. When Gemma finally had the courage to call Modest! she called at least 3 times a day for at least a week, after ringing other contacts a week before hand. 

“Hello, this is Modest! Management, how may we help you.” The greeting never changed once while Gemma rang. Honestly they just needed an answering machine instead of boring some poor person each day. 

“Hi, I’ve been calling for the past week with one request-”

“Oh yes, you again.” She was interrupted by the other person on the line in a monotone voice. 

“Please, can you just hear me out. It’s one question and I’m sure it won’t kill you to hear what it is. I won’t give up until you hear it.” Gemma pleaded. Being completely honest with herself, she knew that she was desperate. 

“Okay. What is it? But just letting you know that we may not be able to help.” 

“Thank you for listening but I am pretty sure that you will be able to help me with this tiny thing,” Gemma dragged out the word tiny for effect. “So my younger sister, Katie, is 9 and currently she is dying of a brain tumour. Each day she seems to be getting worse and her time will run out very soon. She is just a young child and only has one wish before she dies. She knows that she can’t wish to get better because that’s not possible, but each day she is folding paper cranes trying to reach 1000. All she wants to wish for is to meet her idols and I believe that you’re company manages them.”

“Look, I’m sorry for your sister but there is simply nothing I can do.”

“Can’t you transfer me to someone else?” Gemma was starting to become desperate. This was the furthest she had gotten and she wasn't ready to back down now. “Please, I am not some crazed fan trying to meet them, in fact I don't care if I personally don't meet them, all I want is for my sister to meet her idols. Okay, I may be 17 and a girl but please. Just put m through to someone else.” Gemma wasn't ready to give up just yet, or ever. 

“Okay, I will put you through to someone else.” The music that businesses use when they put someone on hold started to play. Gemma was absolutely gobsmacked that she had managed to get the grumpy receptionist to put her through. She couldn't believe her luck, that she was one step closer than any oner day. 

“Hi Modest! Management, this is Emily how can I help you?” She used the word help. This was a sign that maybe she would actually listen and be able to help. 

Gemma introduced herself like previously. She then launched into the story of her sister and how she was dying faster than she should be and what her final wish was. “I’m not sure what we can do.” Way to bring down a girls spirit. Gemma had come so close. “You see, the members of One Direction are on their break so we couldn't get them to do anything for the next four months.” 

“Please. My sister has very little time to live. Can you please try and get in contact with them and maybe ask if they can do a small favour? That’s all I am after. Please. I have been trying to ring all week and this is the furthest I have gotten and I can't give up now. I doth have much time.” Gemma now had tears forming in her eyes. If anyone was around her right now they may have thought she was crazy. 

“I can ring them and speak to them. That is the best I can probably do. I don't know what they'll say but they are have just gotten on their break. They are good lads so they may be happy to help by seeing your sister.” At this stage Gemma was jumping up and down for joy while having a few tears fall down her face. She definitely looked like a bit of a weirdo now. “But don't get your hopes up. This is their decision and their decision only. Our management will have no input on what they decide. Can I take a number and I will get back into contact with you with an answer.” Gemma handed over her number as quick as possible, as if she was trying to get rid of something as fast as she could. She thanked Emily gratefully and hung up. 

AN: So let me know what you think of this one?? I'm really working hard to add more detail than what it previously was but it's hard without changing details as I didn't give myself much to work with in the first place. sorry 

Luff you 

- Ally

1000 Paper Cranes // h.s (re-writing current chaps)Where stories live. Discover now