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                  Harry didn’t feel like joining in with the boys. Yes Katie was cute and he could see that she really was sick but he still didn’t want to see her. He and the boys were finally given their well-deserved break but it had to be interrupted like every other time. No matter how many times management promised it wouldn’t be interrupted it always was and Harry had had enough of it. He truly did love the fans and the support they gave him, he knew if it weren’t for them he wouldn’t be here today, but all he wanted was some time to just chill out and relax. While in the hospital room he was relaxing on Twitter.

“Katie we’re going to go to the cafeteria to get some more food since Nialler here is hungry again so we will be back in about half an hour.” Liam stated as he stood up. Niall quickly ran over to Katie’s bed and gave her a hug and quickly zipped out the door. The other three took their time to get up and give her a hug. Harry stood at the end of the line and gave her a quick hug and left. 

“I can’t believe you did that for me Gemma!” Katie shouted as soon as the boys had left the room. There really were no words for what her big sister had done for her.

“It was no trouble at all. It was worth it to see a genuine smile on my sister’s face.” Gemma smiled back and went over to Katie’s bed to lie down on it next to her.

“How was that even possible?” Sam asked, “I mean they’re not my idols but damn I see why girls love them so much. Not so sure about that curly haired one though.” Sam knew his name he just wanted to stir Katie up like all brothers. He glanced over at her to see if she would bite and she did.

“His name is Harry Styles and I don’t care about his age because one day we will be married and live together and grow old, and,” she took a breath as she sighed, “it will be perfect.”

Her brother chuckled in response as he knew that this would have happened if he were to pretend that he didn’t know who One Direction were.

“Yes Harry was quiet but he sometimes is. I still love him like before. But oh they’re just so perfect and even better in real life. Don’t you agree Gemma?” Katie turned to look at her. There was no response; she nudged her a bit.


“You didn’t even listen to me did you?”

“No I didn’t.” She shook her head in response and crossed her arms against her chest. “I know how much you love them, we all do, hence why I got them to come here for you.”

“Thank you so much,” Katie gave her another hug.

“Hey where’s my hug?” Sam asked offensively.

“When you organise something like this, then you will get a hug.” Sam slouched back into his chair knowing that he could never beat this. 

Liam noticed Harry’s behaviour in the hospital room. It wasn’t like him and he was going to make sure that he questioned it as soon as they all sat down. Niall came to the table with two trays full of food.

“Dude what the hell,” Louis questioned, “why do you need so much food for such a small man?”

“I’m still growing,” is all Niall responded with before he shoved some chicken into his mouth.

For the next five minutes all there was, was silence. Liam decided to be the one to break that. “So what did you all think of Katie?” There were muffled okay’s, good’s and she’s too young to die (that one from Louis) coming from three of the others. Harry stayed quite.

“Harry,” Liam pushed further.


“What did you think?” There was more silence. “C’mon mate we’re helping a little girl complete her last wish.”

“I guess. I mean like we never get time off and when we do we don’t. There’s always some promotional thing and I guess I was looking forward to this break since there wouldn’t be any promotions.”

“I know but I couldn’t say no to this request when I got the phone call. Ah shit, the time,” Liam looked down at his watch, “We should probably get going lads. Let’s go say goodbye.”

They all got up and walked back into Katie’s room.

“Thank you all so much for coming today it means everything to me.” Katie said as she waved goodbye to us. It was hard for Liam to see her say goodbye with her brave face. Katie knew that she was going to be saying many goodbyes in the near future and she had to accept that. Except a 10 year old shouldn’t be doing that. 

AN: I'm crying rn because I know how the book is going to end since I have it all planned out and it's going to be a sad one..that's all I'm saying.

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