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Chapter 8:- 

Harry’s POV:-

When times get tough we tend to give up or get angry. Not Katie. You can see that having this cancer is tough for her small body but she hasn’t given up and she always has the biggest smile on her face. I haven’t seen her without a smile yet. Even with my sad presence in the room she was happy to meet us.

There needs to be more people in this world like Katie. I guess I should have apologised for my behaviour or changed it when we said goodbye. I promised to myself that I wouldn’t let the fame get to my head, but it’s easier said than done. I guess sometimes we need a wakeup call to tell us that we need to get our lives back on track.

My brain was dead to be honest. I couldn’t think any more than what I had been and we had only been driving for 10 minutes; that meant another 20 to go. All I could think about was looking out the window into the distance where it was raining.

“Hey mate are you alright?” Zayn asked me. It took me a while to tear away from my gaze.

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“Really because you haven’t spoken since we got in the car.”

“I guess….I guess I’ve just been thinking a bit.”

“A penny for your thoughts?” I guess I could I mean sometimes it is best to let out our ideas.

“I was thinking of a way to help Katie.” Everyone in the car went silent. While we were visiting and Katie was having a quiet nap Gemma and Liam were talking. The doctors say that there’s a 99.9% chance that she won’t get better. We might not be able to save this little girl but we can do something which can help save the lives of other children or even adults with this cancer. I guess in the hospital I seemed like a jerk and distant but I can’t deal with death. It’s something that we will all experience but it should be when we are old not now.

That’s why I was distant. I can get attached easily and then when everything is fine and dandy it disappears and is ripped away from me.

“We might not be able to help Katie personally because it may be too late but we can help others. That’s what we’ve always been about as a band.” I put my suggestion forward.

“We could throw a charity concert?” Louis suggested. He is always kind at heart. We all are. The media portrays us as something different but we’re not. “The money that we raise from the ticket sales we can give it to the correct people, you know the ones who do the research about cancer and finding a cure..”

“Louis keep your hands on the steering wheel!” He was moving his hands around as if they were doing the explaining when really he should have kept the on the wheel so we won’t die. “Continue.” I said as I made a gesture for him.

“Anyways we’re One Direction. If we do a concert at the O2 Arena, which holds 20,000 people and then we charge £100 per ticket and £200 pound for the closest 1000 tickets that will get us £220,000. And then we can make a difference.”

“Okay, Louis, love the idea but how the hell did you work that out in that brain of yours.” Liam questioned.

“I don’t know I guess I am just that talented.” He responded with and continue to drive.

Maybe we could actually help out with something.

“I’m going to call Emily our manager and see if this is alright and if the concert can happen fairly soon.” Liam added.

I continued to look out the window and watch the rain pitter-patter down on the landscape outside. Maybe we can do something with our power of being the number 1 boyband in 37 countries. 

AN: Yeah I know it's a short update but I am going to update daily until the book is finished. I am halfway through this story which means that there is only another 7 or so Chapters left.

 The song on the side describes the emotions that Harry is feeling (well sort of)

So here we get to see the heartfelt Harry and his sensitive side. I didn't want to keep him horrible for the whol story because that's not what he is. 





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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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