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The boys of One Direction had finally finished their Take Me Home tour. After ten months on the road, always moving about, they were finally given a well deserved four month break There had to be a catch some where, there always was as that’s how their management was. They were always told what to do, who to see, where to go. Every move involving publicity was ordered by management. 

This break each of the boys went to the same place, as if spending 10 months on the road together wasn't enough. One band member that we focus this part of our story on is Liam. Him and his girlfriend, Danielle, went to a small cottage along the coast in the north of England. The coast in theory looked like a good idea, but let’s face it, it’s winter so no swimming. The pair hardly ever got to spend time together due to their busy schedules and for once in a blue moon their breaks happen to be scheduled at the same time. This was their time and management weren't going to interrupt, or so Liam thought. 

Everyone was preparing to go skiing, putting on all their winter and ski gear. The snow had fallen earlier this year meaning that the start of winter would be a cold one. Which meant lots of snow to have fun in. Each shared the same group goal while having their own goal for the trip. Mostly it was to hook up with random girls and snuggle up in front of fires with hot chocolate. While on the trip no-one dared to answer any phone calls from management, in the fear that the trip would be cut short and that no holiday would ever be given. Even though the boys got holidays the fame never really did stop. People would recognise them out on the streets and never could they say “Oh, I’m sorry I’m on break and can’t be bothered to sign this.” Only Emily, one of the managers, rang if there was an emergency if someone was dying. In this unfortunate case someone was. 

“Hey Emily,” Liam sighed. He was not in the mood for this, how could he be. Just about to go out and have fun and bam, buzz kill. 

“Liam, I wish I wasn’t ringing you but this is a true emergency. Now it doesn't involve you to come back home right this minute but please take this request into consideration.” Emily was only twenty-two years old, a fan of the boys as well as their manager and most of all hated asking them to do things. But it came with the job. “Look, I received a phone call from a  girl here in Colchester, Essex and she was asking if you guys were able to complete her 9 year old’s dying wish. This girl is slowly dying and the doctor’s say she only has a few months, possibly weeks left. She wants to meet you guys and well can you please just talk to them? Please for me?” Emily hated the feeling in the pit of her stomach when she asked for favours. Although Liam wasn’t in the same room, he knew exactly what she would look like now. Distressed, office a mess from tossing up her options and was possibly on the verge of a mental breakdown. 

“I’ll talk to the boys Em and see what they think. Don’t sweat about the call, and stop causing yourself mental breakdowns.” Liam ended the call. It may have been their holiday time, but Liam’s big heart never stopped giving. If only the boys could be like that in this situation. 

* * * 

“No, absolutely not,” one man was certainly not happy about ending his holiday. 

“Harry you haven’t even given it any thought. Didn't we become famous to help others?” The dark haired guy asked. 

“No. You wanted to buy your mum a house. I wanted to sign in front of the world. Not become some constant charity giver.” Harry definitely didn't have the same heart as Liam. After the story Liam gave, three other boys were on board with helping. No-one expected this kind of response from Harry though. The way he jumped up and down like a little boy with his curls going everywhere gave away the fact that he was the youngest of the group with much to learn. 

“Harry, just give Liam a chance. I want to meet this girl,” the female blondie state. Perrie was Zayn’s girlfriend, the one with dark hair. At any chance given Perrie would jump in and help. But she wasn’t touring once a year all over the globe with constant interruptions throughout her holidays. 

“I think we should meet her. She has one wish and she’s nine. She doesn't wish to get better and to grow up and see the world. She wishes to meet us and that is flattery for sure,” Niall sung as he got up and pranced. The poor boy had a heart that was willing to love everyone and everything no matter how much it would wear him out. 

“So we all agree,” Liam asked looking at everyone in the room. Louis, the one with the funny looking beard, had the biggest smile and nod. The poor boy was still a child at heart. His nod quickly came to a halt when he glanced at Harry. 

“Mate, what’s with your head no nodding like the rest of us?”

“What if this was a lie and our break is ruined? Huh? We don't know this girl and has nobody seen the Brady Bunch episode where one of the kids fake being sick to meet their idols. I won’t let that happen to us Lou.” 

“Harry are you for real?” Liam shouted as he got up out of his seat to walk over towards the boy. “We can have our break another time. This girl is dying. She probably won’t get to see her 10th birthday. 

“Haz, Emily would only ring us in an emergency. You know how much she hates asking for favours. Let’s just do this this one time.” Zayn tried to convince as he placed his hand on Harry’s shoulder but right now none of the boys had a chance of doing that. 

“Alright, alright. Let’s go meet this girl.” Everyone cheered in response. Now time for them all to pack their bags and head back to England. 

1000 Paper Cranes // h.s (re-writing current chaps)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum